Saturday, March 6, 2010


We were discussing about rodina (in english means family).
It's like in kindergarten.
Like, we find the member of the family - in-laws, maid, bachelor, niece etc.
It's fun to feel like in kindergarten again (as long as u don't overdo it ;-))
Not everyone my age gets to do this sort of thing.

Then, the word polygamy came out.
So, Mgr Huskova asked us whether polygamy is practised in Malaysia.
So, we told her that it is accepted but not all men practise it
And in Islam, it's accepted but not encouraged yet that is what men like to do. (Well, there are men who stay true to only one woman)
Patrick added that it's not practised by Christians.
Others seemed to be interested in that matter.
So, it makes my work to explain it to them easier.
It surprised them somehow that we can talk about it without being angry of the polygamy thing.
So, I just popped in a statement - at least it's better than keeping a mistress
And Mgr Huskova said it's what they practise over here

And she asked us what would we feel if we are the 2nd wife.
I was quite amused.
Usually people from monogamy community ask how would it feel to have ur husband married again.
I just said, things happen.

But now, I think, I have another question.
So, how would it feel for you to be a mistress?
Of course the q is not for Mgr Huskova =p

Well, I'm just thinking about this matter.
Things happen really is an honest answer from me.
Because truthfully, I don't really like the idea to share my husband with someone else.
But when I think of my future life, inshallah which will involve loads of time in the hospital and tired me at home, I'm not sure if I'm going to be a good homemaker
Not doing justice to my family
So, am I in a position to oppose polygamy?


  1. Salam...

    SOME Christians do practise polygamy ...Mormons!
    Moreover they have a different social system that allows men to indulge the biological need outside wedlock. One night stands, kept women, lovers...
    At the end of the day, the number one rule in Anthropoly applies to all....everybody thinks everybody else is strange...not THEM for they are NORMAL ;D

    I'm not one for polygamy. Sorry!

  2. opps sorry....Anthropology and NOT Anthropoly. The former is a discipline, the later is only monkey business! hehe!

  3. Ws, aunty Naz, that point really catch my attention. The anthropology rule. Do write about it.
    Now, I think angan2 tidak kesampaian to dive in anthropology is great.
