Monday, March 2, 2009

First Dissection Lab.

There are 2 lifeless body on the dissecting tables.
1 is an old woman. A very skinny woman.
1 is an old man. His belly visible. His face dark.
When I was small, I was told that people who drink alcohol will have a blackened face when they die.
I don't know if it was scientifically proven.
Anybody interested to carry out a research about it?

Well, since we are there first, we get to choose which cadaver we want.
Of course we go for the old man cadaver.
Thick fat - lower risk of cutting superficial vessels and nerves.
10 excited students dissecting on a cadaver.
Albeit,we work harmoniously.
Constantly reminding each other to watch out.
Well, the scalpel is used to cut the cadaver but high fat chances it can cut u too. (remember,the scalpel is contaminated with the died old man's fat)
Everyone is committed with their work.
Chatting occassionally.
And when your thumb and index finger loose their strength and the tweezers that they control slips.
It's my face that serve as victim to the flying fluid.
I've to buy a mouth and nose mask in case in the future the fluid may enter my mouth *puke*

So, for today we just separate the skin from the subcutaneous layer (FYI, it's fat layer)
No pic from today coz I'm immersed in the feeling of being a surgeon.
And we need to choose a small region to dissect and later to write on.
Since we are given the chance to choose our cadaver and cut it first, when it comes to regional part, we are the last
That means leftover.
And it's totally leftover that I and Aizat don't have anything to work on.
I tell you what, I nearly ends up with tok mudim profession (if u get my drift)
U don't get it?
er, actually Prof Hajek (pronounced Hayek)
after he closes the door and when it is only Mr Kuchar, Prof Hajek, Aizat and me in the dissection room
he asks either me or Aizat,
either one of us, take the
none of us want it
We keep saying "u take it" to each other
I told him that I'm totally not taking it.
Because I'm a girl.
And can u predict what's everybody reaction when I have to work (I mean dissecting) with it.

And Aizat doesn't want it too because he says
" Can u imagine me holding it when I dissect it?"
"People will call me gay"
Since we are very declining, Prof Hajek tries his best to find other regions for us.

Lastly, I get the right anterior tibial region (that's your shin and the muscle beside it readers)
And Aizat, poor guy, he gets all 5 right toes.
The region is so small that u can finish dissecting it in your first period (class la weh,not menstrual)
But that is the price that we pay to protect the cadaver's genital (Mr. Cadaver, you must thank both of us u know)

Even I don't favour the part that I get,
at least I don't have to cut the penis


  1. kalau aku,aku amek je,hahaha,kalo aku jadik Aizat la,

    ps:anda diTAG!
    alang2 melawat blog aku sila follow la,haha(xmalu betul suruh org follow blog aku),hahaha.

  2. hahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahah...
    lina, cant resist la ketawa sambil guling2!!!
    aku xpenah sangka aizat leh kata cmtu..hahahhahaahahahah

    aishhh...mmg xleh jadik..
    benda tu sensitif...huhu

  3. Cik P : sedaq pon. hahahaha.
    Kella : well, he did say that. mmg lwk la dua2 mmg tak mau. n naseb baik Hajek n Abg Bijak 2 pun considerate.

  4. hahhaha..lina2...
    ang 1st time ka dpt jumpa mayat ni?
    erk~aku trtanya2 cena la zetty jumpa mayat...
    hoho..btw,xdak la truk sgt kan jumpa mayat ni..kan2?=P

  5. xda la, sjk first lab dah jumpa pon.
    tp baru start dissect sem ni.
    ok aja,aku siap lapaq lg time jumpa myt.lps lab, trus pi mkn
