Friday, May 15, 2009

Oculocardiac Reflex

Oculo = mata
Cardiac = jantung
Oculocardiac reflex = refleks mata ke jantung.
The first thing that cross my precious mind when I heard this term is fenomena dari mata turun ke hati.
Do u get my drift?
Org kan selalu kata dari mata turun ke hati selain dari ayat tak kenal maka tak cinta.
Back then I really thought that dari mata turun ke hati is explained as oculocardiac reflex from neurology point of view.
because when the cupid arrow strike, and your eye caught the sight of your crush, your heartbeat suddenly turn from kelajuan semasa di jalan kampung to kelajuan semasa di highway PLUS

Via here
But no.

The oculocardiac reflex, also known as Aschner phenomenon, Aschner reflex, or Aschner-Dagnini reflex, is a decrease in pulse rate associated with traction applied to extraocular muscles and/or compression of the eyeball. The reflex is mediated by nerve connections between the trigeminal cranial nerve and the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. The afferent tracts are derived mainly from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, although tracts from the maxillary and mandibular division have also been documented. These afferents synapse with the visceral motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, located in the reticular formation of the brain stem. The efferent portion is carried by the vagus nerve from the cardiovascular center of the medulla to the heart, of which increased stimulation leads to decreased output of the sinoatrial node. This reflex is especially sensitive in neonates and children, and must be monitored, usually by an anaesthesiologist, during paediatric ophthalmological surgery, particularly during strabismus correction surgery[3]. However, this reflex may also occur with adults. Bradycardia, junctional rhythm, asystole, and very rarely death [4], can be induced through this reflex.
Dipetik dari Wikipedia

So that explains dari mata turun ke hati is not oculocardiac reflex.
However, the interesting part is, when u press your eyeball.
You'll activated your parasympatetic function.
Means, u lower your pulse which leads to decrease in blood pressure and increase secretion of digestive enzymes and juices.
In my point of view (in case,don't try/apply this because I'm not sure myself) it's useful for ppl who suffer from darah tinggi(hypertension) and darah gemuruh
well, some of us usually have panic attacks, in which the heart beat so fast
So, by pressing the eyeball, it can help reduce the heart rate
However , I don't think girls on diet like this.
By pressing the eye, the digestive system is prepared to work = drive to eat
not good huh?

Conclusion : learning medic is way fun than I thought. U r somehow aware of your emotion, physiological, or physical changes.
Aha, and if u hate your weight, don't only blame the fat. Blame the skin too. It's the heaviest organ.

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