Friday, May 28, 2010

Zodiac II

Although Sagittarians have fantastic memories that tell them exactly what they said and where they were on April 14, 1939, and they remember every detail of books and invoices, they can forget where they left their coats. Most of them are constantly losing gloves, car keys, wallets-and some people are unkind enough to say they would lose their heads if they weren't fastened on their necks.

The author put them perfectly. I always failed to locate my things since I was small and it got worst in high school but now, albeit the trait is still there, the degree has lessen quite a bit. However, I was in history quiz team. macam mana tu?And yes, I did meet those unkind people. (more to outspoken people jugaklah)

She'll always be a little outspoken, because she sees the world exactly as it is, even while she's wearing those ridiculous, rose-tinted glasses. You'll leam that she's great at spotting phonies, fake salesmen with false pitches, clients with hidden motives and employees with hidden vices. Pretense and deception in any form appalls them.

I was born to be outspoken and yes, I say what I see and what's on my mind. If there's thing I don't speak out, it's when I see deception, which I do see almost every passing day. Having the ability to spot ones is hampering enough and I'm not adding the burden by pointing it out verbally - I know that u r not honest, I know that the boy in high school was pretending to hear to his walkman, I can tell if someone is hiding behind his/her mask, I know u intentionally ignore the call. Having to live knowing the deceptions are floating everywhere is another ugly business.

They will often make wide, sweeping gestures, which may be dramatic and vigorous, but possibly not very graceful.

OMG, this frequently happened when I was a teenager. I smacked my friends when I intended to give a friendly slap. Of course I got smacked back. Luckily I don't usually upset ketchup and food.

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