I used to passed out quite often, I couldn't stand static for too long.
It was embarassing of course, seeing other people were ok and me the athlete faint for such a lame reason.
When in National Service, during our first assembly which was held early in the morning in the hall since it was raining outside, I fainted too.
When the commandant came to visit right after assembly (the sickbay is just next to the hall), I covered myself with the duvet and cried.
It was embarassing lah!
Who faint in cosy assembly?just me ok?
but I had the commandant massaged my foot.
Now, to think of it, not everybody get the commandant to massage your foot isn't it?
Even when in BTN I fainted.
It was a chilly morning.
Having experienced many same unfortunate events before, I knew that it's coming and braved myself to tell Liyana beside me that I'm gonna passed out
And since that girl was freaking out if we r going to b punished by those pakcik2, she just said "Lina aku takut la!"
Hahahaha, that girl, she was called to the front after the assembly
"Kamu dah kawan nak pengsan boleh suruh dia tahan sekejap?"-was this what they asked you girl? =D
And I ended up earlier at breakfast than everyone else.
I fainted once at home.
It was Ramadhan, perhaps nearing the end of the holy month
Because I was hanging the curtain up
At least that what I think I was doing before I regained consicousness due to my mother nagging about me shocking her.
Oh emak!anakmu jatuh pengsan mencium lantai boleh emak membebel.
Well, not her fault. she didn't know that I always pengsan.
Before I passed out, I would sense that I'm losing all my consciousness slowly and right before I become soggy vege, my vision would black out.
and then plop!
and then in seconds I regained consciousness.
I used to blame myself for not having much endurance.
You see, with my size and me always moving around, when I pass out for just standing too long
It seems like I'm weak and mengada-ngada
And the blame stops here when I found about orthostatic intolerance.
Yeeeha, at last a medical explanation to me being sotong.
I wouldn't want to bored you with the explanation but if u are intersted, you may turns to wiki of course, where else?