Friday, November 19, 2010

The Archer

In my quest to widen my horizon, I've crossed seas and lands.
I've met so many people along the way.
Learned many things and implemented the values that I collected along the way.
I'm always on the go, always moving forward, or maybe looking upwards is a more suitable expression.

I've changed in so many ways.
Fall too many times to be up and walking, or running again.
And He was there all the time.
Watching and guarding me.
Every moment I fall, every moment I stumble, every moment I threw cautions to the wind.
I was never abandoned.
And He decided that it's time to let me be more free.
Free in so many ways.
Free to explore.
Free to decide on my own.
Free as in free.
I am in any way possible, blessed.
To the point where I am considering to continue to be away.
Kacang lupakan kulit.
Guilty as charged.
Been too pampered with all the blessings and set out to gain more.
Lupa untuk menunduk, melihat ke bawah.
Melihat mereka yang masih tertindas, melihat mereka yang masih di situ sedang aku di sini berlari ria meneroka sini dan sana.
Them, with their limited dream, when mine, reaching infinity.
In this journey of mine, there are oints when I totally forget of these people.
These people who needs me, these people who needs you.
Maka, kalau aku terlupa lagi, ingatkan aku, ada yang memerlukan di ceruk sana.
The roads to them won't be easy.
Yang pasti, yang tersurat, mereka amanah untuk aku dan untuk kamu.