Thursday, December 17, 2009

1st Half of December 2009

Ok, let's start with erm, yours truly birthday.
I finally hit 20.
Nothing the extraordinary.
Wishes from around the globe.
Presents, cupcakes.
Got to know that brain cell start DEGENERATING at the age of 20.
Spent the whole day dating berjemaah with Prof Stoklasova's notes, notes and notes.
It's not like everyday U celebrate your 20th birthday or say goodbye to the teen years and say "Hi, let us celebrate the coming years together" to ty years.
But then, I'm not the type that celebrate the day that always remind me that I'm a year OLDer.
So, it doesn't really hurt to spend the day like that.
But still, wishes are much appreciated.

I was hoping for it to snow and at last, it came!
Along with superdry nose and throat and scratches on the knuckles of course.

Today's Basis for Patient Care Exam

Anyway, this week is so pack like sardines in the tin.
Yours truly have a topic to present tomorrow morning and a biochemistry test to write tomorrow while she's typing these down.
That sums up what I have been through this week.
I accept the fact that the world is in balance.
Which means when I'm over here juggling 4 tests and a presentation in this week there are some people already started Christmas break and wandering Paris streets, leaning on PISA tower or sampling Turkish delight in Istanbul.
I've 3 credits signed, Physiology and Biochemistry winter credit waiting to be signed.
And after Christmas?
Biology presentation, Biochemistry presentation, 2 Czech tests in a week for 2 weeks, Biology credit test, Biology finals and yeah, that's all.
I love occupied life.
Of course sometimes two works gets into each other ways and I'll start panicking.
But I got a tip recently.
"Whatever happen, don't panick. When u r panick, U can't do anything right"
I like the opinion, so I'm implementing it.

New year?
I celebrate nothing.
I had my new year today.
Gonna go and jot down my resolutions for this year.
Some people thinks resolutions are of no good.
That is because they don't work theirs out.

As for today's Biology class.
"People r restless, they migrate."
"But then, u tend to choose someone who shares certain similarities with you"
"That's why, how far u travelled, u'll end up choosing someone from the same background as you"
almost the whole class laugh

"It's sad, now U r busy with studies"
"U don't have time to enjoy courtship *or something like that* like other people your age are doing"
"After 6 years, U graduate, working day shift and night calls and by the time u realised it, everybody's taken"
"U'll just search around the hospital and pick someone that's just acceptable as your partner"
The phrase acceptable really makes us smiles.
My opinion?
When it comes, it comes.

And lastly, the most sensational gaping news of the month which left me in state of disbelief until now. *inside story*
To both of you,
Mabruk!!!! Baarakallahu lakuma, wabaraka ‘alaikuma wajam’a bainakuma filkhair

Segmen rohaniah minggu ini
Barangsiapa yang menikah, maka ia telah melengkapi separuh dari agamanya. Dan hendaklah ia bertakwa kepada Allah dan memelihara yang separuh lagi
-Hadis riwayat Tabrani dan Hakim-

"Dialah yang mencipta kalian dari jiwa yang satu dan Dia jadikan dari jiwa yang satu itupasangannya agar ia merasa tenang kepadanya.."
Al-Araf : 189


  1. i love these.

    I accept the fact that the world is in balance.
    Which means when I'm over here juggling 4 tests and a presentation in this week there are some people already started Christmas break and wandering Paris streets, leaning on PISA tower or sampling Turkish delight in Istanbul.

    keep on writing lina! :D

  2. Kak Lene, I like the fact that u love those <3
    enjoy the days in Nice!
    p/s : jgn tsesat masuk kasino kt Monaco sudeyh

  3. insyaAllah, lina pun sama, enjoy londyn jo! :D

    p/s: nice p/s. lol :P
