When I hit puberty, I grow vertically and out of all my clothes. I tried to hide my ankle and pulled on my shirt for few months before I went to my parents and tell them I desperately need to makeover my wardrobe. And then, everybody started to notice that you are head and shoulders above the average person.
People started telling me that I should be a model and in Form 3 (I mean, with my face?), my girlfriends took turn to walk next to me. Reason being, they are practising to walk next to their boyfriend/ future boyfriend. I am really glad to be of help when reaching for tall places or deep pool. My friends were all petite and sometime I just feel stupid towering over them. If you have to arrange for sitting or standing spot, you'll either get the best spot or the suckest one. Usually, it's the latter one. Thing is I am only long legs, my upper half is just average, so imagine that I have to sit at the back for years
You don't stress out when shopping because I have to admit that most things look good on tall girl. People rarely notice if I put on weight, so the situation is rather precarious because you tend to over eat. Sometime, I want to ditch my flat shoes but considering the situation, I always found myself in the same humble flats. People will make you their shield and some will make you think that being tall is a crime. Actually, being tall is not a crime. The people who don't want to sit or walk next to you is just having inferiority complex. You will always be few steps forward and people will always tell you you can walk faster because your leg is long or they would simply say they don't walk next to you because you are too tall.
But then, the pros outweigh the cons. I just hope my man won't be intimidated by my height. Actually, I don't need such man. It's live and let's live. =)
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