Sunday, June 17, 2012

Limits and Restrictions

Having been in and out of the hospitals and dealed with cadavers in my first year, I have picked up some things that I tend to overlook. Dealing with lifeless bodies and sick people means tighter privacy.

You shall never use real name. especially your patient name.

Photos of full bodied cadavers/preserved fetus/full limb/living patient shall be kept to yourself. means that they are off limit from Facebook, blog, Instagram, Flickr or whatever public sharing that exist.
Photos of the suspiciously pathologic tissue from patient/cadaver, on the other hand is within limit.
If discussing about mortality, do it outside of patient hearing range, eventhough you are speaking language unintelligible to them, even if the patient is comatose. Because honestly, I think you'll feel extremely horrible  if you are on the bed and some people in the same room are talking about how your days are numbered and how the only thing they can do is to make your demise comfortable.

And at the end of the day, you would want to save yourself. Even knocking a chess piece is harder than sueing the doctor nowadays.

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