Friday, June 11, 2010

I Wonder

how anxious can I be when my real judgement day comes
would I fret about everything like I do now?
Now : oh no, there's a lot more to cover, would the time be enough? *going through the memory center* crap!I'm not sure if I remember what I already covered.
To come : oh no, my days is numbered, would I do enough good deeds until then. *going through memory center* man, how do I correct my past mistakes??

I wonder how sad and worried I am when my real judgement day comes
Would I shed tears and dare not smile because of the burden on my shoulders?
Now : the road is hard it feels like you always return to square 1 even though u already nearing the destination. It feels like for every pebbles you collect, another is left behind.
To come : I already makes thousands of ukhuwwah, chaining countless loves, but with every love and ukhuwwah I fastened, the last on the trail always crumble. How do I smile?There's a lot to cried upon instead.

my heart, my poor heart, it frets and wriggles almost every now and then
it sees happiness there, it sees the destination, but the journey has yet to be completed.
My poor heart, poor it only sees a mirage
When do it see the real destination?

Hello fragile and worrying heart, albeit a stone is left behind when another 1 is picked up
albeit another question unlocated when another just have been completed,
remember, Allah appreciates your effort
remember there's no better deal than the deal with Him
The capital comes from him, but the profit and the capital altogether is yours, only if you know.
My poor heart, strive with every confident you can muster, and keep going!


  1. salam lina,
    all da best!
    bittaufiq wannajah!
    mg Allah permudhkn urusan kt sume iAllah..
    tk care dear sis...

    slm syg,
    org bukit adal (*-^)

  2. Ws kak Lah.
    Thanks for the support and whats not.
    Love u! =)
