Friday, September 21, 2012


My father loves papaya and banana. I suspect it's bacuse he has no more teeth left except one.
He'd bought like about 20 pieces of banana and finish it min within a day.

This particular day he bought quite a lot and the next day he brought all of them (yes, all of them) to his workplace. Then came back home with them (minus 4 or 5 pieces). Mom decided to make cokodok and whipped ALL of the bananas into the batter all member in our nucleus family know to leave 3 or 4 pieces for the big boss.

Dad asked whether mom used up all the bananas. To me. Not to mom.
You'd laughed until apneic if you had been there.
It makes mom looks like Angela in Rugrats and dad like someone who got his feeding bottle stolen from him.


  1. Salam lina =)

    Comelnye ayah awak.
    banyaknya makan pisang =)
    pisang banyak K+ taw.

    tp doktor kata, kalau makan pisang selori baru bole dpt hyperkalemia. hehe.. die buat lawak je kut =)

  2. Kak Rusna, abah sy mmg mcm tu.kalau dia ada tak puas hati kat mak sy dia ckp kt sy n vice versa.and dia mmg suka mkn pisang dan possessive towards that particular fruit.
