Sunday, March 17, 2013

Men in My Life

I am at that phase of life where the friends are getting married and start to reproduce.
I don't know how it is in other places but in Malaysia, if you are still single, people will keep asking when are you getting a partner.
And f u already have one, the question will chnage into when are you getting married.
and if you are newlyweds, people will ask when are you going to expand the number.
I appreciate that people are still asking about my condition but to be bugged with the same questions over and over again, one is bound to be fed up with it.
And I am only at question number one. Allah helps me!

Back in high school, I had series of boys I fancy.
Nothing much, just raging teenage hormones.
Lucky for me, everything stayed at fancying, nothing more.
Which means
* I didn't go a long way to impress others, saved for a couple of letters, of which I hope never exist anymore.
* I never had to fork my money out well except for one gift that costs like 10 ringgit. it did more damage to my time than my money to come out with what gift will I give

I have the question "do u have anyone in mind?" on repeat until now.
I'd be lying if I say no.
But then I don't think I consider that anyone so seriously.
It's more like if it's meant to be then it will be.

And it all boils down to the men in my life.
You see, I have a father who dotes on me in his own way and 2 brothers that love me more than I can ask for.
For example, if any suspicious soul ask of me, the youngest will casually tell him that I am long dead.
My brothers and father take me anywhere it's better than dating. I just have to tell them where.
From the books vendors at the far back of Chowrasta market to the fruit stall in an alley to wander in the mall.
Imagine going on a date with my make believe boyfriend. I couldnt even hold his hand.
For me I don't need a boyfriend to buy me anything I want.
I don't even have to ask, my dad do that.
Let's go to pasar malam (I did this on almost everyday basis when I am in Penang)
What do you want to eat?
Do you want to order another bowl?
Alhamdulillah, sometimes, I opened my closet to gifts.
Last trip to Langkawi, the youngest gifted me with a seashell bangle.
Just a few days ago, Nazri offered me book vouchers.

I think I am spoilt rotten. Thus I still don't feel the necessity to get hitched.
I have 3 men to take care, protect and ove me. and yes, even paying zakat fitrah for me.
Then men in my life will always be paying zakat fitrah for me. I want that.
The zakat will tie us no matter where we are.
and ameen to that.
Thank you Allah and I ask Your grace to send me, my mom and these 3 men into your jannah.

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