Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Born a sagittarius, sans horse back ;p

I've been interested in zodiac since last Thursday, when I stayed the night to revise kidney.
I don't know if we can believe what the zodiac says
Well, I need someone who can give me the proof that I shouldn't believe it
Because currently, I don't believe in horoscope because that is what's coming
But zodiac for me, it's describing people personality, so I belive in it highly, if not completely (which applies only to Sagittarius zodiac of course)

I heard that Sagittarius by far is the most messy sign out of the 12 signs.
Our personality is a cocktail I must say.hahaha
It's fun and scary at the same time to discover the similarity of yourself to the zodiac sign.
Since they are too many, I'll put bits of this and that, and patched them up in upcoming posts.
I do this for my own reflecting pleasure *vain*
But of, course, u r welcome to read it and share your thought.
I promise, inshaallah, to treat the feedback with justice.

Teach these children economy. They'll spend money like it's made of paper, which they've already discovered it is. They have to leam that when they spend their allowance, it's spent.
Sagittarians are extravagant by nature . Money for the sake of money doesn't interest them, and it takes quite a bit of training to teach most of them the meaning of a dollar bill.
As a child, I failed spectacularly at saving money. My coconut saving box is the lightest compared to my brothers. and when you give me 50 cent, I'll spend all 50 cent.
And when I feel like buying something, I'll just take the bus, head for the store and buy, hasitating just a little at the tag. If this goes on, in a matter of time, I'll be broke *cringe*
The average Jupiter man will loan you money without ever making you ashamed to ask or even obligated to repay it.Well, it's annoying to keep track how much you lend and whom do you lend your money to. Put someone who's cheapskate, put an accountant beside me, I'll copy them, but just for awhile before I go back to my bad habit.


There you are, waving your heart at me.This quaint phrase sums up every Sagittarian from age one week to one hundred years. The calendar doesn't mat ter. They never grow up, anyway. You know what?most people I meet after quite a long time of absence from each others' life always tell me, you never change. It makes me happy and sad at the same time.after so many years and so many experiences, it's like they r telling you, you never gain anything over the years.but on the sunny side, it means we Sags are still the adorable 1.ok go and puke.Take a good look at your little Sagittarius girl. There she is, waving her heart at you, like a friendly sheepdog. When people don't say "hello" back to them, their tiny hearts droop in disappointment. During our cycling trip, I greeted almost everyone that I cycled by and as a child, I say hello to almost everyone too, even the grandpa sitting beside me in the bus.

He invited you to lunch this morning. Now you can find out what he's really like. (He cancelled it. He had forgotten he promised to speak at the ASPCA meeting.)
I know this pretty well, very well indeed. What is coming is never something sure. That's why I never say promise word when I tell someone I'll be doing things unless I'm very sure it'll happen. So, when anyone accuse me of breeching my promise, it's like telling me to slap him/her. Sagittarian is very particular about their integrity and when u scan carefully, U'll notice that I never say I promise (that's it if you have a strong memory)


If you're fair and you try to be as honest as he is, the Jupiter youngster will leam to respect your rules. A Sagittarius moppet can smell dishonesty a mile away as his nostrils quiver like a bird dog's and his muscles quiver with anger, backed by righteous indignation. I remembered playing with my neighbour when her mom came and insisted her to have her evening shower. and she told us that the girl would be right back playing with me after shower. and after shower, she told us that the girl can't play anymore since that would make her shower once more. I always doubt the adult after that incident and of course when she said her daughter will be playing after shower, I know that she wouldn't.

Don't yell too loud. You'll offend her, and she's not exactly noncombustible herself. Sagittarius girls have been known to fly into some pretty fiery rages.
Well, yes, I may not yell back since I think I would downgrade myself to the rude person lvl, but I make sure that the person would have a hard life. So I think, if anybody want to tell us something or correct our mistake must do it nicely. demanding- maybe they should put this in our trait too.hehehe
When you want her to do something, ask her. Don't tell her.
She enjoys being protected, but she doesn't want to be ordered around. Not even her mother gets away with that. Who are you, that you should top her mother?
I hate people who love to boss around, even though I'm quite the one who loves to boss around. When I say no, it means no. After all, freedom is a fundamental thing for us sag.

The words in blue below title with capital letters are from here


  1. haha!! *nods head in glee*

    I'm so likin wht im seein Sagittarius babe! ;)
