SOKSEK really has a big impact in my life. Before going to high school, I was so sure that nothing can rival my time in elementary. But here I am, going to recount the time I had in SOKSEK.
This pre exam tradition is particularly for the candidates sitting for PMR and SPM.
Apart from inviting parents for yassin recital in designated evening, we did more.
One is having the teachers line up on Dataran Bendera ~ this, is what we called Majlis Izin Ilmu.
It's some sort of asking for blessing from teachers who taught us despite our cheekiness/naughtiness/laziness etc. and also offering our thanks to the teachers.
Then there will be some sort of other asking for forgiveness from juniors and seniors.
High school, as everybody knows is where the hormones are flying around, so when you think you are loving a particular fellow student, another student might brand you homebreaker. And sometime, you will tick someone off without even realising it. We used this particular phrase if we were mad at someone - tak redho. roughly translates as you never get my blessing.
If you never have at least an enemy in your life, you never go to high school. Period.
Girls will usually do this (asking for forgiveness) at the musolla or the girls'hostel compound.
Fake or genuine smile, you are the one who decide to wear which, doen't matter whether you are the one who asks or gives forgiveness. Seriously, girls are so superficial back then. But of course there were some genuine souls regardless.
Boys had the ultimate fun time. The XY candidate will storm into ALL classes in group and ask for forgiveness like ordering a teh ais at the canteen. The SPM candidates (boys) had the most fun time. The PMR candidates (boys) will head to Form 5 floor in a particular evening for the asking for forgiveness business clad in baju melayu or collared t shirt and go back looking like a soldier disguising in the jungle. Apparently, the idea of forgiving is by doodling on the sinner face.
Ah, I miss high school.
Photo taken by fellow classmate.