Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I went to ICU today. My group has 6 med students altogether which is a lot for an excursion around the ICU, obviously. The ICU was rather noisy this morning with the beeping from disattached oximetry and the sound of the staff going about their jobs.

On the first patient who's quarantined in the unlit room, I heard that he has some problem in the nights. He sought out for medical help last Sunday for it. That's why he's in the dark because they are running some tests for him because they don't really know what's going on in him. They use some alkali for it.

When actually the doctor told us that the patient had woken up in the night thirsty. So he went to the kitchen, didn't bother to switch on the lamp and grabbed and gobbled down a bottle of alkali instead of water. They have taken appropriate measures eversince he was admitted last Sunday and they are monitoring him to see if there's any bowel perforation.

I learned to
- stand directly in front of the doctor to avoid such huge misunderstanding
- always lit up the kitchen when I want to get something from there
- put away any alkali in the store