Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring in The House


The change of season from winter to spring is very obvious.
People start to cycle, inline skating and motorbike.
I was perplexed before this because motorbike is once in a blue moon sight.
Foolish me, how is it possible to motorbike in the middle of winter.
Lack of common sense LOL

And I love spring very much.
First of all because of the sunshine.
Imagine, a brightly lit day.
and warm.
feels like mom's hug *hugs!!!!*

people also start to put on sandals which is real cool!
and wearing shades.
I need my shades babes!
Really it not something like kehendak but it's more to keperluan
Due to the fact that the sunlight is wayyyy brighter here than back at home.
And I know people see me as a girl who walk with closed eye
Don't blame me for my eyes are so small.

Also, no more heavy jackets or wool sweater.
It's so lovely to be embraced by normal clothes again.
Except that people begin to show off some skin
Maksiat mata vs cuci mata
But it's so relaxing to see that life is getting back to its norml cycle
by which I mean, people start to go out
and parks are now cheered up with myriad of flowers
and the cherry blossoms is abundant
ah, the beauty of spring =)

And do I tell u, the first day after the summer dayliht time, I heard birds chirping
Then the realisation hits me.
I haven't hear the melody since I came here.
And it's a very sweet thing to hear.
Alhamdulillah for these things
and the insects is here too

But poor for some people who is allergic to pollen.
My friend has been sneezing over and over
and I pity her so much.

oh yes!
another thing is we can enjoy our meal outside
That is so very cool ok
Sitting on a terrace or outside the cafe
Filling your stomach and watching people
and lastly enjoying your ice cream
I like!

Anyway, it's really a great insight for me to watch such changes
It really makes me feel like I'm living in 4 seasons country.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hej! lynawan...aaarggghhh...what a great feeling! spring brings joy and also the lovely cherry blossoms...and with the spring/summer, be prepared with hay fever cause by pollen...get yourself some piriton...happy spring...;-)

  3. do everybody get that fever?oh no!

  4. hej! lynawan...if you are sensitive with pollen or have sinusitis, yes...and sometimes when season change, our body try to adapt with the change too and normally, at the beginning of the season people tend to get sick like fever, running nose, etc...take care...;-)
