Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our Body : Temperature

If u put the thermometer under your armpit, it will read 37 degree celcius normally.
Hyperthermia is a situation where u have prolonged high body temperature.
A 4 degree celcius rise from normal temperature is most likely to kill u.

Hypothermia on the other hand is dropping in body temperature.
Living in Czech Republic which is a four seasons land, we are sure to have winter.
Many of us Malaysians seems to take weather change lightly.
We are not that conscious of our clothing.
Not wearing enough layers and act tough in the cold.
It's a big mistake.
One of the reasons that lead to hypothermia is exposing oneself to cold wind without proper clothing or wearing wet clothing.
A second it may be good, your metabolism increased to provide heat for the body bla bla bla

The reality is, a 1 degree celcius decrease can cause u to shiver. and decrese that by 4 degree celcius and be sure u have fully repent and ask for forgivness, u r having amnesia by this time.
Consequently, your muscle will fails u.
U have no means of protecting yourself your heart beats go haywire and the next second u'll just perish.

So, friends, I'm urging u to take care of yourself.
(mcm menteri kesihatan pulak)
Wears layers of protection.
Especially when mother nature is having bad hair year like now.
Even it's still in the middle of October, snows were falling and so does the temperature.
Nyawa itu, antara nikmat Allah yang wajib dilindungi.

Most information are from Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry by Ouellette.
Photo from Flickr


  1. bertuah betul dalam peluang belajar kat sana yek.. guna peluang tu bebaik tau, dgn study bebetul dan jugak jangan lepaskan peluang meronda habis czech rep tu dgn melawat semua tempat yg menarik....
    nanti winter ambil gambar prague terutama kat jambatan charles yea, share kat blog..

  2. Kak Chibi : Alhamdulillah, x terpikir pun nk dtg sini. ya2, Czech sgt cantik, byk tempat xcross lg ni.
    haah, hrp2 time winter tu kerja2 restoration dh habis.prague cantik kn?
