I was raised in an environment where dog is a taboo to us Malay.
In an environment where dogs are either barking madly at people or stray in the street.
My brother was attacked by a retriever when we were in elementary.
Dog is nothing but a disgusting animal. In my eyes, there's nothing positive about the dog.
But when I broadened my horizon, I see dog from a new perspective.
Dogs are indeed man best friend.
When they are well trained and groomed, they look so obedient and demure.
I would have the instinct to stroke those cute dogs with ribboned fur.
But still, the sight of big dogs scares me.
I also learned that in Islam, although dog is a haram animal to us, that still doesn't permit us to treat dog badly.
Even in our holy al-Quran, Khitmir, a dog is guaranteed a place in heaven.
When I attended fiqh talks, I learned more.
I learned that we shouldn't treat dog as the most disgusting thing and run away when we meet any.
It is also possible for us to stroke or pat the dog.
Najis mughallazah Malay would say.
Don't go near it.
But this man which was a mufti told us,
"dogs are najis"
"but blood is najis too,your stool is najis too even your urine is najis"
"and we are given the methods to clean ourselves from these najis"
and logic kicks its way in my mind.
why I haven't think about this before?
and I found the answer.
It's our mentality.
Honestly speaking, most of us wouldn't feel disgusting when we touch non muhrim.
Instead, we would be embraced with pleasure (I'm being frank here)
isn't the act is a sin?
an there's no method to clean your cutaneous layer from the sin of touching with non muhrim (except of course from taubat)
yet, when we bump into dogs (which are innocent), we throw a disgusting looks at the creature.
p/s :pls read my post with an open mind
Photos kidnapped from here
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Lesson from Experience
I always have problem with pronounciation.
Even when I speak Penang accent, people find it well, weird.
and my pronounciation can't be any weirder since I've come to understand some Korean and Japanese.
And so, when you watch Japanese dramas at the time where you actually should listen to the Czech tapescript.
You must expect nothing but to be the only person who fails Czech conversation test.
Worst, you drag someone who's taking the test with you into the well.
But after, ahem, analysing why I should retake the conversation test.
I realise that it was my way (or strategy) of answering is looped.
You know, when you take up language class, when the teacher asks you what you did on Sobota (Saturday), you shouldn't just answer
"I went on a date"
"I surf the internet"
Rather, you should describe your day from the moment you rise to the moment you go to sleep.
Tell her that you make the breakfast,you went to the bathroom,you brush your teeth, you wash yourself, you go to school, you were in school etc. etc.
Lesson no 2,keep listening to the tapescript.
I have a complaint here.
They should put up some english subtitles on their tv programmes so that I can learn in a more interesting way.
The only person who's willing to hear my lousy Czech and reply back is the grandma at the porter lodge.
So,my conversation in Czech is limited only to asking
"Mate klic?"
and understand
"Klic neni tady"
(Lihat, tak sufficient lgsg kn?)
Lesson 3
When you are in supermarket our when you shop, do take a look (or twice or thrice) at the label.
My habit of reading labels and packaging seems to benefit me.
Be sensitive to your surrounding.
I don't think people would understand what I'm trying to convey here.
I always have problem with communication (OMG, what am I?)
Lucky thing I didn't apply to study international relationship course.
(maaf tiada gambar,pemilik blog agak heavy bone untuk mengupload)
Even when I speak Penang accent, people find it well, weird.
and my pronounciation can't be any weirder since I've come to understand some Korean and Japanese.
And so, when you watch Japanese dramas at the time where you actually should listen to the Czech tapescript.
You must expect nothing but to be the only person who fails Czech conversation test.
Worst, you drag someone who's taking the test with you into the well.
But after, ahem, analysing why I should retake the conversation test.
I realise that it was my way (or strategy) of answering is looped.
You know, when you take up language class, when the teacher asks you what you did on Sobota (Saturday), you shouldn't just answer
"I went on a date"
"I surf the internet"
Rather, you should describe your day from the moment you rise to the moment you go to sleep.
Tell her that you make the breakfast,you went to the bathroom,you brush your teeth, you wash yourself, you go to school, you were in school etc. etc.
Lesson no 2,keep listening to the tapescript.
I have a complaint here.
They should put up some english subtitles on their tv programmes so that I can learn in a more interesting way.
The only person who's willing to hear my lousy Czech and reply back is the grandma at the porter lodge.
So,my conversation in Czech is limited only to asking
"Mate klic?"
and understand
"Klic neni tady"
(Lihat, tak sufficient lgsg kn?)
Lesson 3
When you are in supermarket our when you shop, do take a look (or twice or thrice) at the label.
My habit of reading labels and packaging seems to benefit me.
Be sensitive to your surrounding.
I don't think people would understand what I'm trying to convey here.
I always have problem with communication (OMG, what am I?)
Lucky thing I didn't apply to study international relationship course.
(maaf tiada gambar,pemilik blog agak heavy bone untuk mengupload)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hari Kiamat.
The day of redemption.
May it be a breath away?
Dari Usman bin Affan bin Dahaak bin Muzahim daripada Abbas ra, bapa saudara Rasulullah SAW dari Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda, yang bermaksud:
“Aku adalah orang (manusia) yang paling awal dibangkitkan dari kubur (bumi) pada hari kiamat yang tiada kebanggaan. Bagiku ada syafaat pada hari kiamat yang tiada kemegahan. Bendera pujian di tanganku dan nabi-nabi keseluruhannya berada di bawah benderaku. Umatku adalah umat yang terbaik. Mereka adalah umat yang pertama dihisab sebelum umat yang lain. Ketika mereka bangkit dari kubur, mereka akan mengibas (membuang) tanah yang ada di atas kepala mereka. Mereka semua akan berkata: “Kami bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan kami bersaksi bahawa Muhammad itu Rasulullah. Inilah yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah Taala serta dibenarkan oleh para rasul.”
Ibnu Abbas ra berkata: “Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan dari kubur di hari kiamat ialah Muhammad SAW. Jibril as akan datang kepadanya bersama seekor Buraq. Israfil pula datang dengan membawa bersama bendera dan mahkota. Izrail pula datang dengan membawa bersamanya pakaian-pakaian syurga.”
Bacalah dan renungkanlah.
Jibril dan Malik
Jibril pergi berjumpa Malik, penjaga neraka lalu berkata: “Wahai Malik! Allah Taala telah memerintahkanmu agar membawa Jahanam.”
Malik bertanya: “Apakah hari ini?”
Jibril menjawab: “Hari ini adalah hari kiamat. Hari yang telah ditetapkan untuk membalas setiap jiwa dengan apa yang telah mereka usahakan.”
Malik berkata: “Wahai Jibril! Adakah Allah Taala telah mengumpulkan makhluk?”
Jibril menjawab: “Ya!”
Malik bertanya: “Di mana Muhammad dan umatnya?”
Jibril berkata: “Di hadapan Allah Taala!”
Malik bertanya lagi: “Bagaimana mereka mampu menahan kesabaran terhadap kepanasan nyalaan Jahanam apabila mereka melintasinya sedangkan mereka semua adalah umat yang lemah?”
Jibril berkata: “Aku tidak tahu!”
Rasulallah Membela Umatnya
Di padang mahsyar orang yang mula-mula berusaha ialah nabi Ibrahim as. Baginda bergantung dengan asap Arsy yang naik lalu menyeru: “TuhanKu dan Penguasaku! Aku adalah khalilMu Ibrahim. Kasihanilah kedudukanku pada hari ini! Aku tidak meminta kejayaan Ishak dan anakku pada hari ini.”
Allah Taala berfirman: “Wahai Ibrahim! Adakah kamu melihat Kekasih mengazab kekasihnya.”
Nabi Musa as datang. Baginda bergantung dengan asap Arsy yang naik lalu menyeru: “KalamMu. Aku tidak meminta kepadaMu melainkan diriku. Aku tidak meminta saudaraku Harun. Selamatkanlah aku dari kacau bilau Jahanam!”
Isa as datang di dalam keadaan menangis. Baginda bergantung dengan Arsy lalu menyeru: “Tuhanku... Penguasaku.. Penciptaku! Isa roh Allah. Aku tidak meminta melainkan diriku. Selamatkanlah aku dari kacau bilau Jahanam!”
Suara jeritan dan tangisan semakin kuat. Nabi Muhammad SAW menyeru: “Tuhanku.. Penguasaku Penghuluku.... !Aku tidak meminta untuk diriku. Sesungguhnya aku meminta untuk umatku dariMu!”
Ketika itu juga, neraka Jahanam berseru: “Siapakah yang memberi syafaat kepada umatnya?”
Neraka pula berseru: “Wahai Tuhanku... Penguasaku dan Penghuluku! Selamatkanlah Muhammad dan umatnya dari seksaannya! Selamatkanlah mereka dari kepanasanku, bara apiku, penyeksaanku dan azabku! Sesungguhnya mereka adalah umat yang lemah. Mereka tidak akan sabar dengan penyeksaan.”
Malaikat Zabaniah menolaknya sehingga terdampar di kiri Arsy. Neraka sujud di hadapan Tuhannya.
Mereka berkata: “Kami adalah umat Muhammad SAW. Semua umat telah mengiringi apa yang mereka sembah. Hanya tinggal kami sahaja. Matahari di atas kepala kami. Ia telah membakar kami. Neraka pula, cahaya juga telah membakar kami. Timbangan semakin berat. Oleh itu tolonglah kami agar memohon kepada Allah Taala untuk menghisab kami dengan segera! Sama ada kami akan pergi ke syurga atau neraka.”
Nabi Adam as berkata: “Pergilah kamu dariku! Sesungguhnya aku sibuk dengan dosa-dosaku. Aku mendengar firman Allah Taala: Dan dosa Adam terhadap Tuhannya kerana lalai. Mereka pergi berjumpa nabi Nuh as yang telah berumur, umur yang panjang dan sangat sabar. Mereka menghampirinya. Apabila nabi Nuh as melihat mereka, dia berdiri.
Pengikut (umat Nabi Muhammad SAW) berkata: “Wahai datuk kami, Nuh! Tolonglah kami terhadap Tuhan kami agar Dia dapat memisahkan di antara kami dan mengutuskan kami dari ahli syurga ke syurga dan ahli neraka ke neraka.”
Nabi Nuh as berkata: “Sesungguhnya, aku sibuk dengan kesalahanku. Aku pernah mendoakan agar kaumku dimusnahkan. Aku malu dengan Tuhanku. Pergilah kamu berjumpa Ibrahim kekasih Allah Taala! Mintalah kepadanya agar menolong kamu!”
Nabi Ibrahim as berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku pernah berbohong di dalam usiaku sebanyak tiga pembohongan di dalam Islam. Aku takut dengan Tuhanku. Pergilah kamu berjumpa Musa as! Mintalah pertolongan darinya!”
Nabi Musa as berkata: “Aku sibuk dengan kesalahanku. Aku pernah membunuh seorang jiwa tanpa hak. Aku membunuhnya bukan dari kemahuanku sendiri. Aku dapati dia melampaui batas terhadap seorang lelaki Islam. Aku ingin memukulnya. Aku terperanjat kerana menyakitinya lalu menumbuk lelaki tersebut. Ia jatuh lalu mati. Aku takut terhadap tuntutan dosaku. Pergilah kamu berjumpa Isa as!”
Mereka pergi berjumpa nabi Isa a.s. Nabi Isa a.s. berkata: "Umatku telah mengambil aku, ibuku sebagai dua Tuhan selain Allah Taala. Hari ini, aku malu untuk bertanya kepadaNya mengenai ibuku Mariam.”
Mariam, Asiah, Khadijah dan Fatimah Az-Zahra’ sedang duduk. Ketika Mariam melihat umat Nabi Muhammad SAW dia berkata: “Ini umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Mereka telah sesat dari Nabi mereka.”
Suara Mariam, telah didengari oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW Nabi Adam a.s. berkata kepada nabi Muhammad SAW. “Ini umatmu, wahai Muhammad! Mereka berkeliling mencarimu untuk meminta syafaat kepada Allah Taala.”
Nabi Muhammad SAW menjerit dari atas mimbar lalu bersabda: “Marilah kepadaku, wahai umatku! Wahai sesiapa yang beriman dan tidak melihatku. Aku tidak pernah lari dari kamu melainkan aku sentiasa memohon kepada Allah Taala untukmu!”
Di Titian Sirat
Allah Taala menyeru: “Wahai Muhammad! Bawalah umatmu untuk dihisab dan lintaskan mereka di atas Sirat yang dilebarkan. Panjangnya sejauh 500 tahun perjalanan.”
Malaikat Malik berdiri di pintunya (neraka). Dia menyeru: “Wahai Muhammad! Sesiapa yang datang dari umatmu dan bersamanya ada perlepasan dari Allah Taala, maka dia akan terselamat. Sekiranya sebaliknya maka, dia akan terjatuh di dalam neraka. Wahai Muhammad! Katakan kepada orang yang diringankan agar berlari! Katakan kepada orang yang diberatkan agar berjalan!”
Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda kepada malaikat Malik: “Wahai Malik! Dengan kebenaran Allah Taala ke atasmu, palingkanlah wajahmu dari umatku sehingga mereka dapat melepasi! Jika tidak, hati mereka akan gementar apabila melihatmu.”
Malaikat Malik memalingkan mukanya dari umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Umat Nabi Muhammad SAW telah di pecahkan kepada sepuluh kumpulan. Nabi Muhammad SAW mendahului mereka lalu bersabda kepada umatnya: “Ikutlah aku wahai umatku di atas Sirat ini!”
P/S : for the full story, click here
Nak kata apa?
Rasa terpukul?
Sedang diri sendiri tidak pernah kisah ttg diri sendiri pd hari itu.
tetapi Rasulallah SAW dan para malaikat masih mengasihani.
Layakkah saya, yg tak begitu ambil kisah mendpt perhatian sedemikian rupa?
I always ask myself-kenapa masih tiada perasaan takut?
Kenapa hidayah tak dtg2?
Tp kwn sy pernah beritahu.
Benarkah hidayah itu tidak datang?
Atau hidayah itu sebenarnya telah lama mengetuk pintu hati,menanti tuan empunya menguak pintu dan menyambut kedatangannya?
Di situ,saya tahu,bukan hidayah tidak datang,tapi saya yang belum mahu menyambut kedatangan tamu itu.
The day of redemption.
May it be a breath away?
Dari Usman bin Affan bin Dahaak bin Muzahim daripada Abbas ra, bapa saudara Rasulullah SAW dari Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda, yang bermaksud:
“Aku adalah orang (manusia) yang paling awal dibangkitkan dari kubur (bumi) pada hari kiamat yang tiada kebanggaan. Bagiku ada syafaat pada hari kiamat yang tiada kemegahan. Bendera pujian di tanganku dan nabi-nabi keseluruhannya berada di bawah benderaku. Umatku adalah umat yang terbaik. Mereka adalah umat yang pertama dihisab sebelum umat yang lain. Ketika mereka bangkit dari kubur, mereka akan mengibas (membuang) tanah yang ada di atas kepala mereka. Mereka semua akan berkata: “Kami bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan kami bersaksi bahawa Muhammad itu Rasulullah. Inilah yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah Taala serta dibenarkan oleh para rasul.”
Ibnu Abbas ra berkata: “Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan dari kubur di hari kiamat ialah Muhammad SAW. Jibril as akan datang kepadanya bersama seekor Buraq. Israfil pula datang dengan membawa bersama bendera dan mahkota. Izrail pula datang dengan membawa bersamanya pakaian-pakaian syurga.”
Bacalah dan renungkanlah.
Jibril dan Malik
Jibril pergi berjumpa Malik, penjaga neraka lalu berkata: “Wahai Malik! Allah Taala telah memerintahkanmu agar membawa Jahanam.”
Malik bertanya: “Apakah hari ini?”
Jibril menjawab: “Hari ini adalah hari kiamat. Hari yang telah ditetapkan untuk membalas setiap jiwa dengan apa yang telah mereka usahakan.”
Malik berkata: “Wahai Jibril! Adakah Allah Taala telah mengumpulkan makhluk?”
Jibril menjawab: “Ya!”
Malik bertanya: “Di mana Muhammad dan umatnya?”
Jibril berkata: “Di hadapan Allah Taala!”
Malik bertanya lagi: “Bagaimana mereka mampu menahan kesabaran terhadap kepanasan nyalaan Jahanam apabila mereka melintasinya sedangkan mereka semua adalah umat yang lemah?”
Jibril berkata: “Aku tidak tahu!”
Rasulallah Membela Umatnya
Di padang mahsyar orang yang mula-mula berusaha ialah nabi Ibrahim as. Baginda bergantung dengan asap Arsy yang naik lalu menyeru: “TuhanKu dan Penguasaku! Aku adalah khalilMu Ibrahim. Kasihanilah kedudukanku pada hari ini! Aku tidak meminta kejayaan Ishak dan anakku pada hari ini.”
Allah Taala berfirman: “Wahai Ibrahim! Adakah kamu melihat Kekasih mengazab kekasihnya.”
Nabi Musa as datang. Baginda bergantung dengan asap Arsy yang naik lalu menyeru: “KalamMu. Aku tidak meminta kepadaMu melainkan diriku. Aku tidak meminta saudaraku Harun. Selamatkanlah aku dari kacau bilau Jahanam!”
Isa as datang di dalam keadaan menangis. Baginda bergantung dengan Arsy lalu menyeru: “Tuhanku... Penguasaku.. Penciptaku! Isa roh Allah. Aku tidak meminta melainkan diriku. Selamatkanlah aku dari kacau bilau Jahanam!”
Suara jeritan dan tangisan semakin kuat. Nabi Muhammad SAW menyeru: “Tuhanku.. Penguasaku Penghuluku.... !Aku tidak meminta untuk diriku. Sesungguhnya aku meminta untuk umatku dariMu!”
Ketika itu juga, neraka Jahanam berseru: “Siapakah yang memberi syafaat kepada umatnya?”
Neraka pula berseru: “Wahai Tuhanku... Penguasaku dan Penghuluku! Selamatkanlah Muhammad dan umatnya dari seksaannya! Selamatkanlah mereka dari kepanasanku, bara apiku, penyeksaanku dan azabku! Sesungguhnya mereka adalah umat yang lemah. Mereka tidak akan sabar dengan penyeksaan.”
Malaikat Zabaniah menolaknya sehingga terdampar di kiri Arsy. Neraka sujud di hadapan Tuhannya.
Mereka berkata: “Kami adalah umat Muhammad SAW. Semua umat telah mengiringi apa yang mereka sembah. Hanya tinggal kami sahaja. Matahari di atas kepala kami. Ia telah membakar kami. Neraka pula, cahaya juga telah membakar kami. Timbangan semakin berat. Oleh itu tolonglah kami agar memohon kepada Allah Taala untuk menghisab kami dengan segera! Sama ada kami akan pergi ke syurga atau neraka.”
Nabi Adam as berkata: “Pergilah kamu dariku! Sesungguhnya aku sibuk dengan dosa-dosaku. Aku mendengar firman Allah Taala: Dan dosa Adam terhadap Tuhannya kerana lalai. Mereka pergi berjumpa nabi Nuh as yang telah berumur, umur yang panjang dan sangat sabar. Mereka menghampirinya. Apabila nabi Nuh as melihat mereka, dia berdiri.
Pengikut (umat Nabi Muhammad SAW) berkata: “Wahai datuk kami, Nuh! Tolonglah kami terhadap Tuhan kami agar Dia dapat memisahkan di antara kami dan mengutuskan kami dari ahli syurga ke syurga dan ahli neraka ke neraka.”
Nabi Nuh as berkata: “Sesungguhnya, aku sibuk dengan kesalahanku. Aku pernah mendoakan agar kaumku dimusnahkan. Aku malu dengan Tuhanku. Pergilah kamu berjumpa Ibrahim kekasih Allah Taala! Mintalah kepadanya agar menolong kamu!”
Nabi Ibrahim as berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku pernah berbohong di dalam usiaku sebanyak tiga pembohongan di dalam Islam. Aku takut dengan Tuhanku. Pergilah kamu berjumpa Musa as! Mintalah pertolongan darinya!”
Nabi Musa as berkata: “Aku sibuk dengan kesalahanku. Aku pernah membunuh seorang jiwa tanpa hak. Aku membunuhnya bukan dari kemahuanku sendiri. Aku dapati dia melampaui batas terhadap seorang lelaki Islam. Aku ingin memukulnya. Aku terperanjat kerana menyakitinya lalu menumbuk lelaki tersebut. Ia jatuh lalu mati. Aku takut terhadap tuntutan dosaku. Pergilah kamu berjumpa Isa as!”
Mereka pergi berjumpa nabi Isa a.s. Nabi Isa a.s. berkata: "Umatku telah mengambil aku, ibuku sebagai dua Tuhan selain Allah Taala. Hari ini, aku malu untuk bertanya kepadaNya mengenai ibuku Mariam.”
Mariam, Asiah, Khadijah dan Fatimah Az-Zahra’ sedang duduk. Ketika Mariam melihat umat Nabi Muhammad SAW dia berkata: “Ini umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Mereka telah sesat dari Nabi mereka.”
Suara Mariam, telah didengari oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW Nabi Adam a.s. berkata kepada nabi Muhammad SAW. “Ini umatmu, wahai Muhammad! Mereka berkeliling mencarimu untuk meminta syafaat kepada Allah Taala.”
Nabi Muhammad SAW menjerit dari atas mimbar lalu bersabda: “Marilah kepadaku, wahai umatku! Wahai sesiapa yang beriman dan tidak melihatku. Aku tidak pernah lari dari kamu melainkan aku sentiasa memohon kepada Allah Taala untukmu!”
Di Titian Sirat
Allah Taala menyeru: “Wahai Muhammad! Bawalah umatmu untuk dihisab dan lintaskan mereka di atas Sirat yang dilebarkan. Panjangnya sejauh 500 tahun perjalanan.”
Malaikat Malik berdiri di pintunya (neraka). Dia menyeru: “Wahai Muhammad! Sesiapa yang datang dari umatmu dan bersamanya ada perlepasan dari Allah Taala, maka dia akan terselamat. Sekiranya sebaliknya maka, dia akan terjatuh di dalam neraka. Wahai Muhammad! Katakan kepada orang yang diringankan agar berlari! Katakan kepada orang yang diberatkan agar berjalan!”
Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda kepada malaikat Malik: “Wahai Malik! Dengan kebenaran Allah Taala ke atasmu, palingkanlah wajahmu dari umatku sehingga mereka dapat melepasi! Jika tidak, hati mereka akan gementar apabila melihatmu.”
Malaikat Malik memalingkan mukanya dari umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Umat Nabi Muhammad SAW telah di pecahkan kepada sepuluh kumpulan. Nabi Muhammad SAW mendahului mereka lalu bersabda kepada umatnya: “Ikutlah aku wahai umatku di atas Sirat ini!”
P/S : for the full story, click here
Nak kata apa?
Rasa terpukul?
Sedang diri sendiri tidak pernah kisah ttg diri sendiri pd hari itu.
tetapi Rasulallah SAW dan para malaikat masih mengasihani.
Layakkah saya, yg tak begitu ambil kisah mendpt perhatian sedemikian rupa?
I always ask myself-kenapa masih tiada perasaan takut?
Kenapa hidayah tak dtg2?
Tp kwn sy pernah beritahu.
Benarkah hidayah itu tidak datang?
Atau hidayah itu sebenarnya telah lama mengetuk pintu hati,menanti tuan empunya menguak pintu dan menyambut kedatangannya?
Di situ,saya tahu,bukan hidayah tidak datang,tapi saya yang belum mahu menyambut kedatangan tamu itu.
Give and Take
There’s a story.
A true story.
A familiar story.
A group of people had their breakfast before their day start.
When they were about to clear their bill, the cashier told them that it was already paid by a customer.
Of course the party was very happy.
But you see, after few minutes into exciting exclamations among themselves about their free breakfast, they began thinking.
“If I know my bill is being paid, I would order a squeezed orange juice rather than plain tea”
“Why I didn’t order nasi lemak with extra squid sambal?”
“I should’ve ordered for more heavy breakfast”
If the same situation happen to you, I believe 90% that you will think of the same thing.
The question is, how many of us would think
“I should order less expensive breakfast”
Generally, we want to be treated nicely. We expect other people to give their best or we expect the best from the other side. Less we want to give our best to other people. In relationship, be it parents-children, professional engagements, or love relationship, people tend to want the best from the other side. Only in few cases, people give the best. In this world, the give and take rule is taken so lightly. People want to take excessively but reluctant to give all out.
In my opinion (ops, look like I’m making an essay pulak), it doesn’t matter how much we receive, but the important thing is how much we give. When you give your best, you would ignore how much you receive because the best thing in giving the best is the thought that you have done your part.
In any of my relationship, I want myself and the other party to give our best. Frankly speaking, I don’t fancy people who expect too much from other while on the other hand, they don’t even give their best.
Always bear in mind, giving hand is always favoured than receiving hand.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Price of My Journey
POZOR : This is an emotional post. Proceed if you wish to read.
I’d wanted to go to a boarding school when I’m in elementary.
And I did go.
5 years.
I’d wanted to go for National Service.
And I reported in Kem PLKN Bukit Besar, Kulim from January 2007-March 2007.
I’d wanted to study overseas.
And I did preparation for 1 year in Shah Alam and now I’m,across continents in Bohemian land.
Mimo Zeebang?
I’ve been happy. I got all I wanted.
But sometime,seldomly, there’s this uneasy feeling dancing Ramayana epic in my mind.
For 7 years, I’ve miss my family companion.
Oh no, is it 7 years?I mean 7 years?Hell, that’s long?
I missed so many birthdays, I left my brother who was down with chicken pox, I only know that my parents was in an accident after a week the incident happened. In total, I’ve left all my responsibility as an eldest child in my brother’s hand.
Here and every places that I’ve been except home, I’ve friends to talk with,
to study with,
to go shopping with
and to enjoy life with. I also have a life, things that I want to do. But I don’t have my family. I don’t get to kiss my parents hands before taking off, I don’t get to chance to hop into a bus to school with my brothers and I don’t get the chance to enjoy lunch or dinner prepared by my mum after a rigorous day.
When I’m home on my breaks, I have my family back. I’m happy.
I can kiss all them,
I get hugs, I don’t have to bother what to cook and what to eat and I get fluffy pillow and bantal golek. But home, it seem to be a retreat spot for me. I eat, sleep and lazing around most of the time. The verbs in my home dictionary are only watching tv,surfing the net, doing housechores, eat and sleep (I know it well-unproductive). Worst, I don’t have friends nor do I know people around me. I feel like an alien. I just know my family and just go out with my mum. Socially zero.
Well,honestly typing,it’s hard. My life is suspended. Here with friends without family, there with family without friends.
That’s why I always want my mum to know what life I’m living every now and then. I want her to see how’s my bed done, I want her to know which bus I take, I want to show her my closet, I want her to know what I did today, wanting her to know what I had for breakfast,lunch and dinner, also want her to know what questions did I go through in the test. Because my mum, unlike many other mum can’t see what’s her only daughter looks like when she leave the house this morning and my mum don’t get the chance to cook me dinner after my long day at school.
It’s the price that I pay for what I want.
I’d wanted to go to a boarding school when I’m in elementary.
And I did go.
5 years.
I’d wanted to go for National Service.
And I reported in Kem PLKN Bukit Besar, Kulim from January 2007-March 2007.
I’d wanted to study overseas.
And I did preparation for 1 year in Shah Alam and now I’m,across continents in Bohemian land.
Mimo Zeebang?
I’ve been happy. I got all I wanted.
But sometime,seldomly, there’s this uneasy feeling dancing Ramayana epic in my mind.
For 7 years, I’ve miss my family companion.
Oh no, is it 7 years?I mean 7 years?Hell, that’s long?
I missed so many birthdays, I left my brother who was down with chicken pox, I only know that my parents was in an accident after a week the incident happened. In total, I’ve left all my responsibility as an eldest child in my brother’s hand.
Here and every places that I’ve been except home, I’ve friends to talk with,
to study with,
to go shopping with
and to enjoy life with. I also have a life, things that I want to do. But I don’t have my family. I don’t get to kiss my parents hands before taking off, I don’t get to chance to hop into a bus to school with my brothers and I don’t get the chance to enjoy lunch or dinner prepared by my mum after a rigorous day.
When I’m home on my breaks, I have my family back. I’m happy.
Well,honestly typing,it’s hard. My life is suspended. Here with friends without family, there with family without friends.
That’s why I always want my mum to know what life I’m living every now and then. I want her to see how’s my bed done, I want her to know which bus I take, I want to show her my closet, I want her to know what I did today, wanting her to know what I had for breakfast,lunch and dinner, also want her to know what questions did I go through in the test. Because my mum, unlike many other mum can’t see what’s her only daughter looks like when she leave the house this morning and my mum don’t get the chance to cook me dinner after my long day at school.
It’s the price that I pay for what I want.
What I Learned
from winter 08/09
In Czech, it’s cold and dry.
So lips crack and bleed easily. Say yes to lip balm.
Skin dries and itches easily too. So, say yes to body lotion and moisturizer.
Also, running nose is normal (‘coz it too cold outside the nostril, the mucous just doesn’t go outside your nostril). Say yes to tissues and handkerchief.
Ahha, and here in Czech, the culture is to blow your nose. Sniffing is counted as disgusting.
Here, there’s variety of tea and juices.
We got jasmine tea, lemon tea, aloe vera tes, strawberry tea, green tea, white tea, etcetera,etcetera,etcetera.
We got orange juice, strawberry and kiwi juice (strangely, there’s no kiwi juice alone as far as I know), mixed berry juice, pear juice etcetera,etcetera,etcetera. There’s also multivitamin juice by the name Multivitamin (don’t asked me wheter it’s true ‘coz I don’t have time and desire to carry out food test/experiment)
Pick which you favour and drink them a lot, ‘coz they’ll protect you from influenza epidemic when the spring arrives.
When in Scotland, I noticed that it’s cold and wet.
So, there’s no dry skin or cracked lips. But the flu stays and worst, most of us from Czech caught fever.
I tell you,it’s hard to travel when you have a troop where 9 out of 10 people were down with fever.
For extra precaution, watch your every step and buy excellent shoes for winter ‘coz there’s high chance you’ll slip and landed on both of your gluteus maximus muscle on the snow.
Err, I think, that’s all I learned from winter.
In Czech, it’s cold and dry.
So lips crack and bleed easily. Say yes to lip balm.
Skin dries and itches easily too. So, say yes to body lotion and moisturizer.
Also, running nose is normal (‘coz it too cold outside the nostril, the mucous just doesn’t go outside your nostril). Say yes to tissues and handkerchief.
Ahha, and here in Czech, the culture is to blow your nose. Sniffing is counted as disgusting.
Here, there’s variety of tea and juices.
We got jasmine tea, lemon tea, aloe vera tes, strawberry tea, green tea, white tea, etcetera,etcetera,etcetera.
We got orange juice, strawberry and kiwi juice (strangely, there’s no kiwi juice alone as far as I know), mixed berry juice, pear juice etcetera,etcetera,etcetera. There’s also multivitamin juice by the name Multivitamin (don’t asked me wheter it’s true ‘coz I don’t have time and desire to carry out food test/experiment)
Pick which you favour and drink them a lot, ‘coz they’ll protect you from influenza epidemic when the spring arrives.
When in Scotland, I noticed that it’s cold and wet.
So, there’s no dry skin or cracked lips. But the flu stays and worst, most of us from Czech caught fever.
I tell you,it’s hard to travel when you have a troop where 9 out of 10 people were down with fever.
For extra precaution, watch your every step and buy excellent shoes for winter ‘coz there’s high chance you’ll slip and landed on both of your gluteus maximus muscle on the snow.
Err, I think, that’s all I learned from winter.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Multi Lingual
I'm preparing for my Czech test.
So, maybe it's a good thing to share what I learned.
Because I believe when you learned something and you teach others, you'll understand more.
Vlevo = left = kiri
Vpravo = right = kanan
Nahoře = up = atas
Dole = down = bawah
Upřostred = center = tengah
Vzadu = back = belakang
Vpředu = front = depan
So, maybe it's a good thing to share what I learned.
Because I believe when you learned something and you teach others, you'll understand more.
Vlevo = left = kiri
Vpravo = right = kanan
Nahoře = up = atas
Dole = down = bawah
Upřostred = center = tengah
Vzadu = back = belakang
Vpředu = front = depan
First Post, Second Blog
Salam, Hello, Bonjour, Dobry den.
Hi there.
Actuallly,this blog exist because I accidentally deleted my former, much missed and treasured blog by the name Till We Meet Again.
I wanted to get rid of an ads which I hate so much but ended up deleting the blog.
My collection of nearly 2 years went down the drain just like that.
Blogspot or maybe my internet setting on my pc hasn't been easy to me.
I can't sign in let alone create a new blog.
Whenever I click on comment on other's blog, a page full with Czech words appear before me.
Many thanks but I'm not that advance in my Czech.
Luckily my senior Kak Koin helped me to create this new one.
Haven't got time to fully update this blog.
Biophysics written final and oral final is seducing me.
Hope to come back soon.
Till then.
Hi there.
Actuallly,this blog exist because I accidentally deleted my former, much missed and treasured blog by the name Till We Meet Again.
I wanted to get rid of an ads which I hate so much but ended up deleting the blog.
My collection of nearly 2 years went down the drain just like that.
Blogspot or maybe my internet setting on my pc hasn't been easy to me.
I can't sign in let alone create a new blog.
Whenever I click on comment on other's blog, a page full with Czech words appear before me.
Many thanks but I'm not that advance in my Czech.
Luckily my senior Kak Koin helped me to create this new one.
Haven't got time to fully update this blog.
Biophysics written final and oral final is seducing me.
Hope to come back soon.
Till then.
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