(2:254) O Believers, spend of the wealth We have bestowed upon you *276 (in Our way) before the Day comes when there shall be no buying and no selling: when neither friendship nor intercession will be of any avail. Those, who adopt the way of disbelief are indeed the *277 wrongdoers. '
*276. This means spending in the way of God. The instruction given here is that those who have adopted the cause of the true faith should undertake financial sacrifices for its sake.
*277. Here the expression 'they who disbelieve' signifies either those who refused to obey God and held their property to be clearer than God's good pleasure, or those who did not believe in the Day of which they had been warned, or those who cherished the false i11usion that in the Hereafter they would somehow be able to secure their salvation and that their association with men devoted to God would stand them in good stead for they would intercede with God on their behalf.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Infakkanlah sebahagian dari rezeki yang telah kami berikan kepadamu sebelum datang hari ketika tidak ada lagi jual beli, tidak ada lagi persahabatan dan tidak ada lagi syafaat. Orang-orang kafir itulah orang yang zalim.
Sedihnya bila baca tafsir ayat ini.
I feel like I've been drifting way too far for years.
The then me bukanlah seorang yang berkira but now, I am seorang yang berkira, especially about money.
Padahal dulu, hidup sangat susah
Orang lain boleh own mcm2 but not me
Now, I can wish for something, kumpul duit sikit and get the thing
But, sentiasa reluctant to forgo few crowns even dgn kawan sendiri
Teringat zaman sekolah dulu, selalu tolak-menolak dgn Ili
That girl won't take duit lebih
and I don't want to keep the change
We both berebut buat amal kat sesama sendiri
I miss those moment
Does it give you the creep when He says sebelum sampainya hari tidak ada lagi jual beli
What are we doing now?
Riba merata-rata.
Kita selalu memikirkan untung di pihak kita, have we ever think about the other party, untungkah dia, rugikah dia?
Does it give us the satisfactory as long as kita untung and tak rugi
Bila berjual beli, have we ever think of mutual profit?
As for me, sometime, I think, wouldn't it benefit me alone if this bargain happen?
But still I keep that to myself, saying it's ok
But then, is it really ok?
Adillah dalam melakukan timbangan, jangan sekali-kali mengurangkan hak orang lain.
Kat sekolah dulu, Azie kot pernah cakap, Hizlan kata biar lebih jangan kurang. Or something like that.
I was amused at that time.
Sebab apa?
Because there were alot of businesses going on at school
Ada jual nasi lemak, ada jual roti hot dog, ada jual ais krim, ada koperasi
Sorry to say, but the ice cream price is incredulous for we know that it's of no brand ice cream but sold at brand price
He also said, pada hari yang tidak ada lagi persahabatan
I tried to compute this and it goes down to me an Ili
Mungkin we both saling tolak hang aku, both don't want the money
atas dasar persahabatan
she knows my situation and I on the other hand don't want to give in to my situation
It was sweet
I draw my conclusion
Bila kita bersahabat, kita tidak akan berkira sesama sendiri
Sama-sama saling berebut untuk buat charity kat yang lain
Bukan limit kat duit sahaja
She went to help an old lady crossing the street
She doesn't mind to offer herself to do something
I lived with this girl for 5 years
And you would understand how dissapointed I feel when nobody move a finger when I say p sat tanya orang tu direction with a please/tolong in the beginning of the sentence
Dulu, people want to carry my loads now people expect me to carry loads, sometimes their loads
I remember how everyone want to send me back
Syafiqah, Syikin, Kak Pah, Nurul, Fasihah, Paan
I remember how Egy sangat nak hosted me when I need to go to KL for BNM
I'm sorry for them for me turning this way, to refuse to carry others loads even when mine is as light as feather
Is this right?
I keep asking myself.
Sometime, I want to be myself, me who is willing to share everything with everybody
But most of the time now, I keep reminding myself, people don't learn their lesson if I keep helping them.
But upon reading 2:254, I'm afraid
When there'll be no more buying and selling,
where there'll be no more friendship
and tiada lagi syafaat
So, now
is the time to do charity and do the things I used to do before
sentiasa cukupkan hak kita terhadap orang lain,
sentiasa menghulur bantuan bukan beban
sentiasa beselawat
U may ask, would they cherish this and this
Well, I'm not sure if they do or not
But don't make it something important whether they cherish it or not
The important thing should be that Allah is happy with you
I remember Kak Lene pernah cakap, Allah sangat pemurah
Antara jual beli kita dengan Allah
We are the one yang untung
Sebab He is the one who provides us with everything
And when we make something good dengan modal yang Allah beri kat kita, akaun pahala kita yang bertambah
Allah bukanlah di pihak yang rugi mahupun untung
U'll never find a deal as excellent as a deal with Allah.