Monday, March 15, 2010

Ada Apa Dengan Satu Sen?

1 cent is a bronze coin the size of 1 cent (eh terbelit!ops!)
Whatever, it's embossed with rebana ubi.
The cost of production of 1 cent is higher than 1 cent itself.

In my final year in highschool, I decided to collect 1 cent.
I think most my peers never ever care about 1 cent.
To be exact, most people treat 1 cent like, well, 1 cent.
Hence, I can found it on the roadside, on the tray in fastfood restaurants and at nooks in the dorm.
So, pengembaraanku mengutip coin 1 cent bermula.
I never thought that it would be so exciting.
To see the metal box filled day by day.
I reckon I spent 24 hours or so counting how much had I collect
24 hours is the sum hours byk2 kali kira, not sekali kira ok
I get people shooking their head and whats not and got excited by them
Ok, u don't have to tell me that I'm weird
That's my middle name btw but my mom forgot to register it along with Lina (malas/lena) when I was born =p

So, if I'm to draw a graph, the line should be shooting at 80 degrees in the beginning and as time passes by, the gradient becomes lesser because gradually, people around me was becoming conscious of the value of 1 cent.
So, 1 cent is hard to come by near the end of my career as 1 cent collector
Anyway, I collected the silver 5 cent too.
I remember trying to justify the value of 1 cent and give 10 of it to sum up my bill in the canteen and they got rejected

when I decided that I should see the fruit of my labour (ceewah)
I chucked all my silvery 5cents and bronzey 1 cents into plastic packets (the one that u used to tapau 5%drinks+95%ice cubes tu)
and off I went to BSN
The kakak over the counter was free to think whatever she was thinking
Some of my 1 cents got rejected though
Must've been 1 ringgit setengah altogether kot
Then the total accepted coins (70% 1 cent and 30% 5 cent if am not mistaken) is RM21
2 hours non stop cheers for me
*star jump with pompom*
Imagine the rest of the cheers formation using your own imagination

I mean 21 ringgit!
Ok, 21 ringgit sounds so ordinary
but 21 ringgit from those lying-on-roadside-nobody-wants-me 1 cents and celah-katil-celah-loker 5 cents
that's my personal victory
To get 1 ringgit, u should have 100 pieces of 1 cents
U never know the satisfaction of it
1st is because you never do it
2nd is because, 1 cent is of no value nowadays
No bank would give you 21 ringgit nowadays even you have a 3l bucket full of it

To those who campaked your 1 cent that's picked up by me
to those who donate their 1 cents to me
To my abah who didn't make a clown out of me collecting 1 cent
Thank you very much from me
You give me a victorious memory for me to reminiscence upon
When I remember it like today, I still feel so good about it.

Image taken from here


  1. akhirnya apa yg hg buat dengan duit tu? anyway cun jugak kalau letak gambar 1 sen yg hg kumpul tu.

    tu pon kalau hg teringat nak tangkap gambar sebelum ke bank la. cheers!

  2. letak dlm account bsn.
    hahaha,mcm mn nk tgkp gmbq time tu xda hp camera lg.sat aku pi scavenge kt tenet sat

  3. lyna.. u mmg hebat la.. i like keje2 mrepek u.. kihkih.. :p

  4. Cik Rainiey : u like keja2 merepek I? *blush*

  5. waaa....ancient nye.. i remember those time when 20 sen dapat belikan keropok/ 4 biji susahlah.. T_T lagi2 kat Czech nie..cekik darah!

  6. hahaha, u ni mesti selalu convert kan kalau nk beli brg?
    jgn convert, merana hidup.
    yeah those time when the keropok was 20 cent and there are a lot of them in one packet.
    Nowadays, u get half the original content for 30/40 cent
