Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shedding Tears

I've watch the movie twice and twice the lacrimal glands continously shedding tears during the movie.
Moje favourite excerpt

Kalian semua adalah calon muslimah

Calon isteri untuk suami kalian tercinta

Dan calon ibu untuk anak-anak yang kalian sayangi

Syurga menurut janji Allah

Ada di bawah telapak kaki kita, perempuan

Tapi jangan lupa satu hal

Bahawa Allah juga memberikan manusia kebebasan

Mahu jadi apa pun kalian nanti

Pilihlah jalan Allah dengan rasa bebas, dan dengan hati yang ikhlas

Dengan itu Inshaallah, kita akan hidup dengan tenang dan tanpa rasa benci

Edit :

I've got few feedbacks regarding this, so I shall write my own review of the movie.

As for me, I'm uneasy with some of the scenes.

Maybe a bit too much for me as for the SX part.

And I don't like how the women is being on the infeior side in this movie.

But I really like the part where the new husband respect and love the wife

and how the mother resolves conflict and how at the end the brothers stood up for their only sister (I thought they don't give a damn about her)

So, my p/s is watch at your own risk ;p


  1. lyna, i did watch this movie, but half way thru. honestly i couldnt stand certain scenes in it, which i think should be XXX rated.
    the concept is kind of islamic, which is good, but, i dono, matlamat tak halalkan cara.
    but do get the messages from it.

  2. perempuan berkalung sorbanMarch 10, 2010 at 12:04 PM

    the thing is, tak perlu la fokus sgt on the xxx part kot. sy rs cerita dia masih berpakaian dgn decent? (as i've remembered or is it that bad?) pelik btul kalau org tgk cerita ni then comment a LOT psl xxx part yg hanya a few mins, but fail to see the bigger and important msg of the story.

    and if you are not a girl, i tak rs u boleh dpt feel cerita tu as much as a girl did. oh well, some girls.

  3. Midi : Hahaha, aku pun xsuka sgt part tu but just tutup mata sj. u should watch it till the end. it may be not my situation tp ada pengajaran kita boleh ambil when we look into other's life

    Kak Lene : wow. chil2.haaha, mebi I'm a bit sensitive about that part.masih belum tbuka even tiap2 hari tgk PDA kt Hradec ni.hehehe. But I think I see the bigger message in the movie. Maybe not suitabl for me now, but who knows, it will be in the future kan?
