Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It all started when I was cramming for Physical examination and Microbiology exam. I fall in love and now, I seem to be strongly attached.
Now, it's jemně perlivá voda (lightly carbonated water), always.
Others won't do.
2 bottles down

Yes, I am currently downing at least 3 litres or 2 bottles of Jemně perlivá Poděbradka, every day.
It's just that it's not too sugary nor heavily carbonated.
Main reason why I keep going to the ladies is beacuse of the carbonated feeling of the water, it's hard to resist.
Luckily, the supply come at a cost.
Buying a bottle each day is insufficient yet heaving 6 bottles from TESCO to home is also not an easy job. At least it keeps my intake at 2 bottles per day.

My concern is that I would increase my daily intake.
Too much water ain't good.
Indeed, anything, if u take it too little or too much, it never end up good.
I don't really know how to stop the intake but since my intake has been 3 litres a day, I try to keep it at 3 litres and gradually would tone it down to 2 litres a day.
It doesn't sound that hard but believe me, it is hard.
Like now, I'm refraining myself to pop open another bottle.
Can not!!!!Even though it's already half past midnight.

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