Thursday, May 31, 2012


Saya rasa setiap manusia tu Allah kurniakan dengan kecenderungan ke arah kebaikan. Kalau dia cenderung kepada perkara yang negatif tu, maknanya syaitan yang konfem masuk neraka tu yang dok bisik kat telinga dia. Syaitan memang konfem masuk neraka, tapi manusia tak. Jadi, tak boleh la kita nak kata kat orang lain, ataupun terlintas dalam hati "hang ni konfem masuk neraka" atau "hang ni kapiaq, nanti mati masuk neraka". Pokoknya, urusan syurga atau neraka tempat akhir seseorang tu, Allah saja yang akan menentukan. Buktinya, hadis keempat dalam koleksi 40 hadis.

" Dari Abu Abdul Rahman, Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a, katanya Rasulullah SAW telah menceritakan kepada kami, sedangkan baginda seorang yang benar dan dibenarkan kata-katanya, sabdanya : ' Sesungguhnya sesaorang kamu dikumpulkan kejadiannya dalam perut ibunya selama 40 hari berupa setitik air mani, kemudian menjadi segumpal darah selama itu pula, kemudian seketul daging seperti yand demikian itu juga, iaitu 40 hari. Kemudian diutuskan kepadanya malaikat, lalu ditiupkan roh kepadanya dan diperintahkan menulis empat pekara : rezekinya, ajalnya,amalannya, celaka dan bahagianya. Maka demi Allah yang tiada Tuhan selain daripadaNya, sesungguhnya sesaorang kamu itu tetap akan beramal dengan amalan ahli syurga sehinggalah di antaranya dengan syurga itu jaraknya cuma sehasta sahaja. Tiba-tiba dia telah didahului oleh tulisannya ( suratan takdir ) sehingga dia beramal dengan amalan ahli neraka, maka masuklah ia ke dalam neraka. Dan sesungguhnya sesaorang kamu tetap akan beramal dengan amalan ahli neraka sehinggalah di antara dirinya dengan neraka cuma sehasta saja. Tiba-tiba dia telah didahului oleh tulisannya sehingga dia beramal dengan amalan ahli syurga, maka akhirnya masuklah dia ke dalam syurga itu. "

Apa yang saya faham dari penerangan kakak usrah saya ialah hadis ni sebagai motivasi untuk semua orang. Untuk yang dah sedia di jalan yang lurus untuk tidak leka dan terus jalan depan tengok dan untuk pujuk orang yang kat jalan yang salah bahawa dia masih ada peluang untuk berjalan di jalan yang lurus. Tak sapa nak jadi penghalang kepada orang untuk berpegang atau kembali pada tali Allah tapi ramai jugak yang tak sedaq, termasuk orang yang dok taip ni, yang dia jadi penghalang kepada orang-orang ni.

Contoh 1 : Kak Delaila penah cerita ada seorang cikgu kat sekolah dia (Kak Delaila dulu sekolah agama yang elit tu woo) dulu dok pikiaq agama mana dia nak masuk. Last2 dia masuk agama samawi yang bukan agama Islam. Sebab? Sebab kebanyakan orang Islam kat sekolah tu selalu tak punctual. (lari sorok belakang tudung tingkap)

Contoh 2 : Berjalan melihat bumi Eropah di musim panas. Fitnah (orang pakai tak cukup kain) memang kat mana-mana saja. Hati pulak dok istighfar sambil mengutuk. (lari sembunyi bawah meja pulak) Sepatutnya kena rasa kesian kat depa. Depa tak untung macam kita ada nikmat Islam dan iman. Tak rugi pun kalau kita tolong doakan depa supaya dapat hidayah dan jangan lupa pulak doa kat diri sendiri supaya terus kekal dalam hidayah Allah. Kalau dpa tanya tak panaih ka pakai selubung. Habaq kat depa panaih (kalau anda rasa panaih). Kalau tak panaih habaq kata tak panaih. Jangan lupa tambah "but I don't want my skin to be sunburnt/photoaged". Kalau hang pi cakap hang tak mau masuk neraka, itu adalah taktik yang salah sama sekali sebab sapa yang nak masuk neraka habaq mai.

Perkara kedua. Saya adalah annoyed dengan ayat "semua ni dunia saja". Lama dah tak dengaq ayat ni sebenarnya, tapi saya ada terbaca seorang insan mengajak orang ke kelas mengaji al-Quran. Memandangkan semua orang tahu ini ialah musim berchinta dengan buku bagi pelajar di fakulti saya, dia mengatakan dia juga punya 2 ujian kredit yang besar dalam satu hari dan mari menghadapinya, buku-buku medik itu tak akan membantu kamu di akhirat. Senang kata, justifikasi orang ini ialah penerangan kepada ayat "semua ni dunia saja" pada saya. Sesungguhnya pandangan saya adalah sangat berbeza sama sekali. Siapa kata buku-buku medik tak akan membantu kamu di akhirat? Canon of Medicine yang ditulis Ibnu Sina telah menjadi wadah yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan pesat ilmu perubatan yang boleh menyelamatkan banyak nyawa yang sebelumnya adalah mustahil untuk dilakukan. Tidak lupa juga kepada penemuan pulmonary circulation dari Ibnu Nafis. Saya yakin amal baik tak ada satu pun akan Allah terlepas pandang. Lagi pun ayat pertama yang diturunkan kepada Rasulallah SAW ialah bacalah!. Mngkin kita boleh sama-sama fikir pasal apa yang senior saya tulis "dunia ladang akhirat..bercucuk tanam di dunia, tuai hasilnya di akhirat" Tapi orang-orang yang dok baca buku, ada jugak point insan berkenaan yang saya setuju. Kalau niat kita baik inshaallah Allah cukupkan masa untuk kita.

Sekian sahaja pandangan saya pada hari ini. Kalau salah tolong nasihat. Saya kan manusia yang punya kecenderungan kepada perkara yang baik.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Surgery Block

Take 1
Student : Dr. what are we supposed to study for the credit test?
Dr. : Upper GI *and somemore things about upper GI*. He is very good at bla bla bla. Cholecystectomy bla bla bla.
Student : *I'm asking about what to study for credit test not what my doctor for today is good at*

Take 2
Dr (in scrub and mask on face) : who's your teacher?
Student 1 : I don't know. DrMilano said we can choose to go to either of 3 surgeries and someone is going to pick us up.
Dr : I asked who is your teacher
Student 1 and 2 : We don't know

Student 3 just came out of the filter room in about 0.000003 second
Dr : Who's your teacher? *like a bullet*
Student 3 : *startled and speechless*
Dr : Do you understand English?
Student 1 : *do we look like Czechs?*

Take 3
MissQuestion : So do you ask him what we should study for the credit?
MrCaffeine : He said there will be questions from general surgery, traumatology, vascular surgery
MissQuestion not listening anymore
MissQuestion : Why don't he say everything?
MrCaffeine : Oh yeah, he said there will be 8 questions from general surgery *cont with the statistic*

Obviously we should study everything. If you take a look at BASIC Surgery book withou even opening it, you'll understand what I mean.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Medical Training

I scrubbed in for the first time yesterday. It was a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and my task is to hold the laparoscopy. Just that but then it means standing static behind the surgeon and make sure the camera is focusing on the other 2 laparoscopic instruments inside the abdomen, which only means me turning into squid for the umpteenth time. I am now annoyed with orthostatic intolerance, now that I am done with marching stuff, who needs orthostatic intolerance anymore?definitely not when u are given the rare chance to scrub in but oh well. I got to see everything clearly and for the first time, I caught everything explained by the surgeon.

There's a particular patient today. A very old woman, barely holding to her life after her aortic aneurysm ruptured. The doctor explained everything from the mechanical ventilation, to the dialysis with lines from subclavian vein, to the ABG. Basically almost everything. When we came to the part DNR, I began reasoning. I mean, she is super old and then boom! aortic aneurysm rupture = death door. But they dragged her away from that but she never wake up again eversince. With my shallow thinking, I think what's the point of keeping her, because I think to live to such an age, most people would be happy to just go peacefully without having to deal with tubes in and out of your orifices and man made orifices just to buy a lil bit more time. Most people, me included, will think it's best to let her go. But then as I was stepping out of the room, looking at my notes and racing all the informations we just learnt about, it got to me. The patient, although is comatose and is on DNR order, still serve her function. Excellently. I have to admit that she is useful. Because she's like that, I got to learn precious knowledge. It's really humbling. Thinking that a comatose patient can still provide something in such a state, there's no reason why we the healthy living one can't be as useful.

I know I can't remember the names of all the patients that I have ever meet, all the patients that are willing to let me see and touch them, all the patients that bear with my lousy history taking. But I shall always be grateful for them. =)

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I guess people have the same idea how to cook the instant noodle we Malaysian fondly call Maggi.
It takes 2 minutes the quickest and usually you get it done in 5 minutes.
Still, it feels good when someone else is making it for you. Talk about human desire to be pampered.

Anyway, when we move back to a Friday night in Olomouc, when getting together calls for midnight snack, the 3 packets of Maggi came into picture. Chiqieb went to make Maggi the usual style ~ boiling water, the noodle and the flavorings in one go and came back to chatting with the girls. Someone realised that it has gone over 6 minutes or so and asked Chiqieb about the Maggi. To Chiqieb, 1 Maggi is done in 5 minutes, so 3 Maggis cooked together would take 15 minutes!

Moving to present time, Hasnijo had 2 packets of Maggi and an egg, for both of us. I was doing my once in a blue moon dusting and rearranging. I came into the kitchen when Hasnijo was pouring the Maggi into the bowls. The dish looked like what chicken flavoured Maggi should look like, except that I know that Hasnijo is supposed to make curry flavoured Maggi. Hasnijo way of making Maggi is to pour the flavors on cooked Maggi and mix everything afterwards. Gotta say that the flavor is better blended in Hasnijo's way.

The Sister You Never Have

I guess the feeling of being a younger sibling is good.
You have someone whose steps you can follow and someone who can tell you this is right and this is wrong in a different manners.

This is a thank you from me.
For letting on your secrets to me and being someone who I can tell my stories to.
For making me breakfasts and bringing me to good places to eat.
For sugar loading me with dessert and coffee and smoothies.
For correcting me when I make mistakes.
For advising me when I am feeling down.
For coaching me to be neater in dressing and decorating.
And most of all, thank you for being there.
Walking back, I realised that the clock is ticking and our time is running out.
I look forward to wonderful remaining time, and to more examplesI can follow lead.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

On Being A Penangite

I was bloghopping when I came across an observation made by a foreign blogger on Penangites, the islanders to be exact.Now after that I read it, I realised how Penangites are different from the rest of the Malaysians. In many ways. And in a good light.
My most fav place on the earth

We are not colour blind. Rather we celebrate colours. I think that's what you get when you crammed in a super diverse population on an island half the size of Singapore. Hang Melayu, hang Cina and hang Hindu are not offences. It is what we are and we are proud of that. So when I was provocatively questioned why my parents voted for opposition by a BTN facilitator, I was speechless. First, I have no interest in which party my parents casted their votes on. Second, I've been taught that undi itu rahsia so I have no idea who my parents voted for. Third, because I am a Penangite and in our dictionary, racism doesn't exist. We hold true to the phrase live and let's live. The Chinese eat pork, everybody knows that. Hindu lempaq nyoq ~ why, it's Thaipusam. Melayu pi sembelih lembu because it's Eid-ul Adha.
Thaipusam's coconut smashing. Image from here
Every now and then we sigh about our some of our differences but we know the limit and respect it. Like, we all respectively make noises. The azan blares 5 times a day, the Hindus ring their bells and the Chineses lit up fire crackers, bring in deafening feisty lion dance and stage opera once in a while. I was taught to see the diversity in a good light. Once, there were only me and my cousins on the bench watching the Chinese opera although we understand nothing of what the singers sang. In the Indian guesthouse, as a kid, I always examine the details of elephants pictures on the walls and asking why that one has so many hands.

Opera Cina. Bring back memories =)

Although our tables are set differently, I play and bicker with my Chinese and Indian friends all the same like I bicker with my fellow Malays. I always asked Prem to go jump from the building when I am tired with his teasing. and I had a fair share of friend-no friend phase with May Ching. And we laughed at the new student, Saravanan, singing Tamil song in the next door kelas pemulihan. We also went to Preshalni's for Deepvali and the family made sure we had the best visit. What people watch in the Yasmin Ahmad commercials, we experienced it firsthand. =)
See how the naughty girl pulled the same prank on me and Preshalni?
Spot Prem

My mom had mesyuarat tingkap back in the old days with Ah Kui and nowadays mesyuarat balkoni with aunty tingkat 9. My first encounter with Ah Kui wasn't pleasant. I was calling Yang Hoi cangkoi when he came to visit Ah Yong, our then neighbour. And Yang Hoi is none other than Ah Kui's grandson.
The real cangkoi (cangkul)
When I was leaving for my kindergarten concert, I made a stop next to the window where aunty Ah Hoi was in confinement after delivering Wan Han. Ah Hoi was so naughty for a new mom. She sent my 3 year-old cousin running back home crying her eyes out in fear when Ah Hoi purposely pull her hair like a female pontianak, paired with her pilis-ed forehead. I saw her fighted with her husband. She sewed me with her very basic skill a set of ugly but comfy PJs. Ah Kui herself is very productive. She would collect some sort of ribbon from the marketplace and weaved it into baskets. We still kept the one she gave us to this day. She called my mom deghai, her vocab for mulut murai. Once, some people spreaded false story about my mom accusing Ah Hua, Yang Hoi's mom. It was a tough time but they found out some people are just jealous that they are chummy and things were put back together again. When we moved to our new place, they still made it a point to visit every Eid to have nasi tomato.

In Batu Feringghi, when our Hindu neighbours were playing with sparklers, as a kid, I naturally want to do that too. My granduncle bitched about it but then we found ourselves banging the front of kedai apek to get our supply. My dad has been playing dam haji with his late disabled Chinese friend since they were small. Dad would go extra miles to the care-home just to play dan haji with that friend, and I was dragged along to discover what boring means. Plus, I shall not forget this particular apek that sold the rambutans to my tok nek. On one of the saddest day in my life, my Tok Tam collapsed to his death when walking back home with my two younger brothers who were toddlers at that time. It was anak Tok Marie, a Christian Indian who lives practically next to my Tok Nek's that found my brothers trying to wake Tok Tam up by strawing the spilled teh tarik into Tok Tam's mouth. And she was the one who  called for help.

I guess, when talking about Penangites, I completely forgot about the interracial rife back home. Seeing Malaysia from afar, I was horrified at the tense, but when I focus my binocular solely on my most favourite island on the earth, I only see us Penangites going about our usual daily lives. I have always been proud of my origin as a Penangite and I hope nothing would change that fact. By putting me in Penang, Allah has taught me to think more openly and to respect others' values.
The ferry and KOMTAR (Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak)

To my Penang, the place where diversity is celebrated. To the place where I hold dear. To the place of good food, kedai mamak, Rope walk, Chowrasta, Penang Road. To the place where everything gets done, as long as you ask around for directions. I pray to Allah that we continue to live harmoniously side by side. I don't want to miss my dose of kuih ladu baling ke dinding tak pecah, nor my dose of watching lion dance.

Lion dance

p/s: all pictures are linked back to where I took them from. 1 picture is from my primary school friend's collection. Picture of high schoolers is from my high school friend's collection
pp/s: this post is wrote solely on my account as a Penangite

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Learn This

Don't put the world near your heart, but put it in your hands. That's how you control it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Navy Blue Pinafore

Do you remember you days in primary school?I mean not the recess part where you chased after grasshopper, but the classroom part.

The things I remember the most are punishments.
I wrote lines.
In my 5th year, for the first and last time, I flashed middle finger to a fellow kid when we were on the field. I swear it was provoked and I didn't do that anymore, after I was put to stand in front of the principal's office for that.
Talking excessively is something that I am still doing at this age of mine. Back in those days, girls and boys alike talked like there's no tomorrow and during my time, as kids, boys and girls had mutual dislike generally. So to shut those tiny mouths, teachers mostly will arrange for boys and girls to sit alternately. That did the job. But, I don't think such method is doable nowadays with the kids being so advanced.
If you have never been punished by ketuk ketampi, tell me. I'll buy you Maggi, curry flavour for your extraordinary achievement. That's the most ancient form of punishment in primary school in Malaysia. It's practised even in high school, albeit high school's ones is upgraded to a new level where it's done in congregation and at the end of it, your knees are all wobbly and going down the stairs is a feat.
If you notice it, most of the punishment methods share a common ground ~ they make you practise balancing (physically, not metaphorically)
Say, has u ever seen any student standing with both arms hanging against gravity perpendicularly to your body and one leg raised at 90 degrees angle?I did that. On a chair. In front of he whole class. On top of that, I had the nerve to jump from that position and gave a punch to the boy who was mocking me. Let's call that even. When I had my BCG shot, he purposely, for fun punched the girls' arms. BCG shot is a big thing dude!
And the fun bit is that when the teacher teaching at the front has something against you (like you dare sleep or talk when he's awake and standing and teaching), he either throw the duster or the chalk towards you. Man, I never see that anymore after primary school and when a lecturer aimed the chalk at some guys in a lab, it brought back memories.

Mistakes were made and most importantly it got corrected. As long as your mistakes only measure up to those punishments above, you can still sit by the longkang with you classmates, the dentist nurse holding humungous dental arch and toothbrush and eeking over the product that all of you spat into the drain after you brushed your teeth.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I'm just home from this year's Grad's Night. My feeling?Let's just say that I am relieved that everything is over and in a way, I had spent good times working on decorations with my girlfriends. Art is not something that I am good at but I think it has been a longgg time since I sit for hours with girlfriends and do something, and for this, I am thankful.

I also found the key to contentment. That is patience. I have come across the word patience so many times already.
"Kecuali orang-orang yang berpesan dengan kebenaran, dan orang-orang yang berpesan dengan KESABARAN"
"SABAR itu sebahagian dari iman"
"Seorang Muslim apabila dia menggauli manusia dan BERSABAR dengan karenah atau ragam mereka adalah lebih baik dari seorang Muslim yang tidak menggauli manusia dan tidak sabar dengan karenah mereka"

Wow, I have let the whisper of Shaytan win over me countless of time and never realise it. Now that I have realised it, I tried to practise it a few times. Mashaallah, does ones' heart become more at ease when ones is patient. If you see me being uneasy about anything, it would be lovely to remind me that Allah has asked me to be patient.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Learning Points

I love my usrah. It's sort of like giving me positive energy and a medium of very interesting conversation (I like to discuss about many things and I love having good talkers discussing with me).

I know that I want to know more the significance of every act in Hajj.
We also talked about being a wholesome Muslim, a task that I am still struggling to do. Islam is syamil = holistic, kamil = perfect, mutakkamil = completing. Islam is a way of life.

There are 5 pillars of Islam 
1. syahadah : it's professing that Allah is the sole God and Muhammad is his messenger. They are not merely words as some may think. The verification comes with fringes and the principle is to practise what you profess. There's reason why the non believers from Muhammad time were against saying this syahadah. They know what it means
2. prayer
3. zakat or alms-giving
4. Fasting
5. Hajj

So Islam is built on 5 pillars, which means doing all those 5 still doesn't make you a wholesome Muslim. Pillars = base. For me Islam is syamil in a way that it gives guidance in every aspect of life, and death and it's relevant in space and time. There are tips on communication, economy, personality and everything that you need. And what you have to do is to follow those. 

Kamil. Some people come to me and said that Muslim women are oppressed. It's true that Arabs women covered every part of their body and still there are rape and sexual harassment going around. First you have to know, being an Arab doesn't make you a Muslim (not all Arabs are Muslims) and being a Muslim doesn't make you an Arab. Second, Islam clearly asks the women to cover up for their own good. One of my lecturer said, it's in every man that they want to spread their seed and another man said that male are made to be attracted to cleavages and curves. So I don't see any irrelevance in covering up. And let's not stop at that. Allah also clearly said that MEN and women alike shall lower their gaze. And it's suggested if there's the need, to get married and if ones is unable to get married, that he should fast to tone down his lust. If all abide to these, rape and sexual harassment will be unlikely. The women cover up but do the men lower their gaze?You have to get through this. It's not a question whether the teaching is right or nor. It's a question whether the teaching is practised or not.

Here's the fact. Excerpt from surah an-Nur. 
Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do. (30) 
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed. (31)

Do you see the pattern in the verses?If you see it and understand the whole things, you can see that there's no loop in Islam's teaching of protecting chastisity and that what are asked actually complete each other.
The perfect/kamil part
1. Allah calls men first. We all know men are more attracted to women than women are attracted to men. So it's of utmost importance that the men lower their gaze.
2. and then Allah calls women. First to lower their gaze. I think women metaphorically is like the diamond. Showing it too much will attract too many and risks it being stolen. Only its owner has the full right to it.

Mutakkamil, the completing part.
Verse 30 and verse 31 complete each other. The goal will be rached only when both men and women obey those. In fact all the teachings in Islam are completing each other. For example you must promote good deed AND prevent wrongdoings. It's and, not or.

 I myself is lacking because I know there are some part that I am to do. It's only when you really make Islam your deen, your way of life and when you are a wholesome Muslim that you will see and experience the mutakkamil part.

Friday, May 4, 2012

PLKN : Election

In the warm heat of upcoming ISU election, I suddenly remember some details from the mock election that we had in camp.
Mock election is one of the activities under kelas kenegaraan.
It was the best election I've ever participated in.

Candidates running for the election put their posters up in certain areas of the camp. And they went up the stage to present their manifestos.
They even have about 2 right hand people each.
Did I tell you that PLKN trainees (at least, my camp trainees) are so involved in all the activities organized?
The candidates were talking up there like they really is going to govern the camp if they win. Never mind the fact that we have less than one month left before camp is over.

The highlight is of course the election day itself.
Election was done uphill in class blocks.
Trainees went as candidates trying to fish for last minute votes, as voters, as police and as ballot box thieves.
Unfortunately, in the chaos of the election, some people took the chance to be drowned with the fringes that comes with "cinta kontrak PLKN" in a room cramped with stacks of chairs exactly next to the voting block.
And I of many people had to be there to see the trainers kicked the door open and drag them out.
They just robbed me from watching the thieves run away from the police.

This post is just a bite off the real atmosphere that we had.
But I hope my hippocampus will always remember the buzz, the hot Malaysian sun, the excitement and the people.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Back in high school, we have the Friday routine. 
In Islam, Friday is Sayyidul Ayyam, translated as the head of the days.
It's believed that Friday starts when the sun sets on Thursday and stay until the next sunset.
So, we'd started with Yassin recitation every Thursday night at our school masjid.
In my final year, I sat on my bed and listened to the Yassin recitation.

We also had sujud sejadah on Friday.
Since fajr in Malaysia is more or less stretch along the same time, we always pray at 630 am. On Friday however, as a freshie, I will be among the first in front of the locked gate going down to masjid. Back in those times, we were the alarm clock for the seniors. 
Sujud sejadah is basically a normal fajr prayer with recitation of special part from the al Quran and special prostration on top.
Early morning + listening to imam long recitation = extreme sleepiness.
So, sujud sejadah is a way to challenge and tone down your lust for sleep.
I had my share of winning and losing too but at least I never remain prostrated during the salah.

Classes, on Friday end at ~12 pm instead of the usual ~2 pm.
I like Friday not because of the half day. I like Friday because I like our Friday uniform.
Girls don the same baju kurung but instead of turquoise sarong, we wear maroon songket sarong.
Boys, regardless race wear baju Melayu with sampin from the same maroon songket and songkok.
Most of the time, the songkok rests on the table instead on the head.
The first and last time I'm wearing the sampin is when I was marching and blowing the trumpet.
My worry of the day is the sampin. Imagine if it comes down when I was marching. Plus, the fact that I was marching for National Day *faint*

Depends, after class we'll go for outings or go home or stay on school ground when none of the previous options are offered.
I didn't like the idea of outing that much so most of the time I'd stay in school and do my laundry (we didn't have laptop back in those days).
I like the atmosphere of almost empty girls dorms with the al-Quran recitation from the masjid downhill filling the air. I was most contented during that time (honestly, having hundreds of people around you every passing second is not fun).

Tomorrow it's going to be Friday.
The routine here is to watch the Czechs lug their luggage into class and ride on a jampacked bus. Past noon, the town is like a ghost town with everyone gone.
Instead of serenity, you feel empty.
There's no traffic to Friday prayer.
And the people are dressed just like every other day.
But still it's Friday, the start of the weekend!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Do you know the feeling when you are really looking forward to something for one month long?
Do you know the feeling like you are preparing for your cruise next day?
Do you know the feeling of counting days o the day?
And the weather is all beautiful and sunny.

And then all of that get crushed after you overslept because you slept in late the night before.
Stupid flowers.
Now, my dream is all shattered I am super sad I wish it's possibl to fly and join the others.