Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When U Are a Malaysian Living in Europe

U can't help but be confused for awhile of the driving system and walking system.
And U'll be confused even more when U want to cross the roads.
I haven't gotten over the unfamiliarity even if I've been here for about 9 months.
Occassionally, when I cross the road, I'll look to my right when I'm supposed to look to my left.
Thanks a lot to the efficient zebra crossing here, I've been spared a bed in hospital or even my life.

But when I went to Scotland, I was a bit confused again even the system there is the same like in Malaysia.
Having been into a bus where the driver is on the left side, I found it a bit clumsy when the driver in Scotland is on the right side.

And the most recent incident is the most embarassing one.
When we finished loading our things into the van, all my friends ran for backseat.
And so I headed for the front one.
And guess what?
I opened the left side door.
And was shocked to find that is the driver's seat.
That was really embarassing what with the driver was there also.
*red face*
With numb face, I went to my righteous seat.


  1. salam Lina..
    huuuhu...dats the common thing yg byk kali berlaku...kiki...
    dun time goes by...kt blh jd org europe celup.kui3.kne practise byk lg..;p
    all da best CNS esk!! mg Allah permudahkn urusan~

    k lah

  2. wah, sy sgt perlukan itu ya.diky moc

  3. :D
