Monday, June 1, 2009

Visa Oh Visa

Since I'm an alien here, I need to renew my visa every year.
Insyaallah, I'll go through this process for another 5 times.

So, I just want to advise whoever it may concern (read:students from non-EU country in Hradec Kralove), don't be stupid like me.
Lesson no1-don't put your trust in just 1 person
Lesson no2-ask here and there even it's quite annoying
Lesson no3-renew your visa before the study week start

So, bring with you the renewal form which is green, your insurance certificate, birth certificate, agreement with landlord (if U have 1), bank cards etc. etc.
Simply put, bring every damn documents that u have.

And owh, many thanks for the reminder after things already happened.that is really a great help.


  1. pe yg berlaku pd ko?
    'dont trust only 1 person?'

    maan najah

  2. hahaha, mood swing la Keela. plus, bila org amik xendah our q, this is the result of it. apa pun slh aku sendiri sbb x selidik habis2 apa yg perlu 4 visa renewal
