Kali ini, sesi bercerita tentang interview Bank Negara Malaysia.
BNM, tak semestinya stret A1 akn dipanggil utk interview.
Me myself don't know how do they choose their candidates for the interview.
But based on my experience, I didn't score straight A1, but I was called for the interview.
There should be 12 candidates attending the interview on that day.
But only 7 ppl turned up.
Me, a Malay boy, a Chinese boy and 4 Chinese girl.
All of us applied for the same couse.
The interview was done from 8am to 4 pm (lunch included hehehehe)
So, I was 2006 SPM leaver, so I don't know if the format for the interview has been changed.
We were divided into 2 groups 4ppl and 3ppl (I was in the 4ppl group along with Kah Mun, Julian and David)
At first, we were ushered into a small meeting room and were given briefing :how many ppl yg dipanggil utk interview,how many will be selected, performance as a BNM scholar.
the next session, we were given few pieces of mahjong paper, few marker pens and a case: bencana banjir. u r the head of team penyelamat with fixed number of team members. The task is to devise pelan menyelamat.this task was done individually.
Allocated time kalau x silap 15 minutes.
After that we will enter the same room individually to be evaluated by 2 ppl from HR dept. They criticized your presentation, asking u if this thing happen what will u do?,if u r given chance, what would u request?
And after the presentation, they went through my portfolio and asking me about my family background and my interest.
Worry not, I'm from a low income family and my interest seems to be a bit weird from others.
The key is to be honest.
Oh yes, and I was asked to speak some French (all thanks to the my 2 DELF)
I thought,it might be good for u to have something different from other
U see, being a president of a club is not something extraordinary.
Maybe you would like to add something like foreign language in your resume or maybe field work.
Then, it was board interview (as I called it)
U alone sitting in front of 3 ppl from BNM.
Once again, they went thru my sijil-sijil and my application form.
They asked me why do I choose financial and banking
And I said because I love money
Because I'd want to know how money work, how is the currency flow, how mortgage and stock keep making people worry I(mind u my sijil SPM clearly stated that I was a pure science student, so what money2 hah?)
Then they asked me about my sijil2 and post ms kt sekolah
Apart from the sijil what else did I get from the things I did
So I told them, some of it weren't easy for me
Let us take the example of being an editor.
I wasn't satisfied with the first result.
So, I accepted the offer for the next year
And make it a success, and success tak dtg bgolek.
It comes with determination, team work and nice layout.
So they asked me why do i choose Australia
And I asked them, may I change the country of selection.
And I start talking about UK.
I messed everything (I thought so)
But it's no turning back kn?
Then, I ckp la sikit2 psl apa yg I tau psl BNM
I selit2 sikit wang emas BNM 2
And I told them that wang emas would be a very nice investment sbb harga emas kn stabil?
Then I got soalan cepu emas
If u r to get the scholarship and after 3 compulsory years at BNM, of course you would want a job promotion.
So, what is your plan for your career.
Is your highest goal to replace the big boss ?(so they r referring to the iron lady, no calang2 org okeh, Zetty Akhtar Aziz man!)
So, dgn jujurnya I told them, that my goal is not as highest as that, that I don't even think of sitting on that position.
A solid no.
We had lunch in the cafeteria.
God I was amazed, we were seated in what I see as a special area dikelilingi kaca (erk,kejakunan sebentar)
Still remember the menu, twas nasi ayam
Poor me, I diserang sakit perut yg amat that I barely touch my meal
I teguk orange juice sj
And since it was Friday, the break was quite long and the rest of candidates pergi berpromenade di sekitar BNM n melawat-lawat muzium wang etc.'
And I duduk sorg2 kt foyer.
So sad, but good pesaings, they came back long before the break finished and offered to accompany me to have some cake or light meal but my tummy still mogok
Then, it was essay writing session. So, all 6 (the Malay boy balik rumah entah kenapa)of us were in the same room with same selection of questions.
Time 2 show off your handwriting babes!
So, we were required 2 write 2 essays.
1 in English and another could be either English or Malay
Most of the questions concern money related issues (ekonomi bla bla bla)
And there were current issues like PATI too.
The last session is the apprentice
Pnh tgk x?
Mcm ni la, we were made into a team and we have to work as a company that'll sell a product.
Products time 2: minuman kesihatan, gym, PDA (ini setakat yg I igt)
So we decided on PDA (jgn membazir ms time ni cz ms xpjg)
Then,carilah post2 yg anda mahu : director,marketing etc.
Mula2 no one nk jd director and brave Kah Mun, she offered herself to have the post.
So I was in financial division with a girl.
We presented our financial plan and God, my English was so broken and I felt like I'm the onlt dumb person among them all.
But, alhamdulillah I got back my composure and went on with the presentation (broken pun broken lah)
So, they criticize here and there
Giving their opinion utk penambahbaikan.
And lastly, they asked us if we were given the chance, would we saty in our position or would we swap.
And I'm the only one who want to swap. (at that time, I really thought that I'm really finished)
So the friendly ppl from HR dept waved us goodbye and told us that they'll call us if we got the scholarship.
I was about to faint when they rang me.
I got it!!!!!