Thursday, June 11, 2009

Something to Ponder

We bought a rice cooker recently.
Today, after putting the filled pot back into the rice cooker, I returned to a puddle of sticky fluid on the cabinet and some on the floor.
Cleaning up, I had nothing in mind.

Now, after a simple, edible lunch and few hours.
Something hit me.
I mean, it reminds me of my elementary school days.
To be precise art classes.
One of our project was making mask from used newspapers.
Our teacher told us that we'll need lotsa glu.
A 20 cent tube of glu won't make it.
The teacher told us to ask our parents to make some for us.
My parents, as always, prepared for me a real lot of glu.
To be precise, they cooked me the glu.
Tapioca glu.
Maybe they think rice glu wont make it.
My project.
As always, it was a disaster.
The then clumsy me, making something from pieces of wet newspaper and sticky tapioca glu.
What else could u expect from Miss Wanshah?

More than 10 years have gone by, and I'm glad that I still remember my parents support towards my education.
And I wonder if I could cook the tapioca glu for my kids when they have to make mask from used newspapers.
I may as well just go into a stationary shop and buy a box of glu in colourful tubes made in China.


  1. hej! need to open the rice cooker lid a little bit while cooking, so the sticky fluid from the rice won't bubbling out...;-)

  2. moga berjaya lina..

    may Allah bless always..
    we're with u always~

  3. danial : i rice cooker Malaysia gak terbaik. wah,since living abroad, I makin mhargai brgn buatan Malaysia
    Sakeela : for the umprtreenth time, I would like to say,aku suka sebut nm sakeela.thanks sis.
