Saturday, June 6, 2009


A friend from my childhood tied the knot yesterday and having her reception today. While me, I'm still dating these
Too bad, I am not there to celebrate the day.
I heard many of my friends already married.
What I do?
I try to make my sepet eyes round and gaping
Suddenly I feel like am an old girl
Honestly,the first news gave me a big shock
but few more followed up and here I am, feeling old *run and check my wrinkles*
hyperbola sungguh

but u see, when I'm like these

Sleeping at random places (as random as in a small train station) (>.<)y

I don't think that I'm fit to be someone wife let alone be someone girlfriend
Owh crap, since when do I start to write stuff like this *covering myself with the blanket*


  1. hej! lynawan...don't worry, when your time comes, you will find your prince charming...;-)

  2. hahaha.honestly speaking, I don't even hv time to worry about finding 1.
    'coz there r many other things to be sorted out first.

  3. hahahahahahahhahaha...cant help myself..*tears in my eyes* hehe..sorry =)
    eyt, gmbr kat surau tu sungguh x leh blah ok! hahaha..i like2!

  4. yeah,i like gambaq 2 jugak.but, rsnya,gaya zety kot paling priceless.n part kt train station 2 boleh aku tidoq kepit tgn guna kaki *tepuk dahi*

  5. yeay~! ade geng!!!
    :D :D :D

  6. hahh..
    biase la tu lina..

    mak budak pun kadg2 cm budak2..
    biase la tu..

  7. Lina,aku pn asyik ckp nk goreng ayam pun kadang2 fail,mcm mana tu?>.<

    *off topic
    -time tu aku sedikit emo.merebel dgn sesuatu dan seseorg.kepala aku tak betul.jgn bimbang,tudung masih ada dengan aku.cuma waktu tu,aku bkn manusia kot?

  8. cikin : gimme 5!
    keyla : sakeela,sakeela. aku suka sebut namamu. ya keela ia biasa bg kita,ia sangat biasa bg rumah tadika.x gitu?
    azie : azie,gunakan bm yg betul.aku cakap psl kawin. hg pulak asyik ckp psl kawen. ada pbezaan maksud dlm 2 ayat 2. kihkihkih *aku dpt rasa ada aura kow fu hei kong go-ku ditujukan ke arah aku*
    btw,dulu ain ckp dia nk baking kt laki dia tiap2 hari.hg goreng teloq sudeyh la.ayam goreng tu tunjuk2 dah la

  9. ws.
    mesti la nak.
    but not now.

  10. gaye zetty mmg xbole blah..nmpk bsusah payah beno nak pose ala2 heroine hik3..

    -budak HK-
