Wednesday, June 24, 2009

There are so many random things happening this few days.
My couz bore a baby boy, Muhammad Hadif in HUSM Kubang Kerian.
Muhammad Hadif.
But he's still fragile being born prematurely.
His mother just got to hold him yesterday.
But the docs say that he'll need lotsa skin contact with his mom.
Our angel who protects us..

Then we were discussing about how to have a good memory.
How Ibn Sina and all those Islamic academias could make such accomplishments.
By training to be a hafidz at young age.
Yeah, why not?!
Al-Quran, after all is our manual of life.
The most important thing is we put the base firmly on its ground.
Then, insyallah,anything after that will be smooth.
Yeah, I strongly believe those who have all the verses in memory.
Have a good memory for other things too.
It seems that I forgot, fardhu ain comes first before fardhu kifayah.
So, I'll jot this down.
Having my offspring to be a hafidz.

And, Ya Allah,another soul is coming.
Kak Aini will be admitted tomorrow.
Her baby weighed up to 4kg!
C-section most probably will be done tomorrow.
I'm so excited.

Image courtsey of Hafizah.

Irony to celebrating a new life, we all are being reminded of our last day.
Yeah, our last day on the earth.
It can be anytime,can't it?
My world has been reminded following Muhammad Ammar's death.
They say, he has done his part.
And I?
If I'm being invited now, I have no preparation at all.
Will I die a useless death?

And I can't wait to watch The Arrivals.
The content is quite heavy.
But hey,why not?

Aha,and almost forgot, Rejab is here!!
Which means in 2 months Ramadhan is coming.
Ahh, I love Ramadhan.
The month when we can see our neighbours when we go tarawikh. (nmpk sgt xkenal jiran sendiri kan?)
The month where most of the people are more mannered (I really think so)
The month where we have everybody at the dining table at iftar.
Still,reminiscing high school days, who can forgot a full dining hall, counting down silently for the azan.

And my mom makes roti jala today.
With kuah durian and curry (I choose the latter)
Even I'm not a bing fan of durian, I'm all over rambutan.
And mak said "tu la, bila la anak mak nak balik kan?"
Sadis okeh.
2 of my housemates are done with their histo and they are waiting for Zetty who's taking hers tomorrow before they punch in their credit card numbers for tickets home.
And I still have anat,which I really hope I'll pass at first attempt.
Then, I can celebrate Eid in all the tropicalness.
Or else, I'll have to return just like everybody else.
Wish me luck!

And I think Yusuf is such a beautiful name.


  1. hej! lynawan...yeah, yusuf is definitely beautiful name! and i am sure you will do great on anat and other papers too...and you will have great eid celebration too and enjoy your mom's cooking...the fruits so abundance over here...durian, rambutan, mangosteen, mango, banana, papaya, red luscious lychee, pomelo, jackfruit, soursop, langsat, duku, dokong, dragon fruit, coconut and the list goes on...and happy coming fasting month..and enjoy your tv time...the arrivals...sorry for the passing of your friend, ammar and congrats to your friend with their the pic that showed countryside...cheers! ;-)

  2. danial : sadly, we don't have papers here. we do our final orally. I only have anatomy,then ola second year -I hope so =)-
    btw,the pic was taken in a park.
    u should explore Czech countryside and nature too.they r really stunning

  3. 1. tahniah dapat anak buah baru.
    2. hg tak tengok lagi ka the arrival?
    3. yup. kita kena bersedia selalu.
    4. nabi yusuff as memang seorang yg hensem kan?
    5. gambar tu macam gambar kalendar. hehe

  4. 1.terima kasih =)
    2.baru tgk 3 parts
    3.hg dah bsedia?
    4.hensem?insyaallah tp kisah dia mmg best
    5.oho,2 dslr n photographer pun yg ada skill

  5. Salam lina dear!~

    huhu...really enjoyed my day at ur house ysterday...dekuju moc sis for evrything!!
    btol ckp awk.. habluminallah iA blh jg even dok habluminannas tu susah sket...diri blh jd x btol je..kiki.
    Dun wori...kt dok dkt je..buhsan2 bleh mai jln sini..x pon kt g sane..haha..katil byk..;p
    mg Allah permudahkn urusan k aini esk...pastu kt blh main ngan baby kt HK ni..weeeeeee~
    ok lina..bertabah!!! chaiyok!! kt pon!.. jom doa same2 iAllah.
    Allah ade bersame2 ngan kt inshaAllah..

    jaga diri..jaga iman iA...

    Bile kt akan dipanggilNya?....wallahualam. Ayuh kutip bekal ke sana iA.

    ~(^-*)~Org baitul musab~

    p/s; kim slm kt org2 umah..hehe

  6. Ws Kak Lah.
    er kak Lah ayat katil byk 2 bunyinya kalau org len bc boleh membawa kpd maksud lain.
    terima kasih ats semua igtn 2.
