Thursday, February 5, 2009

Am I a Chicken?

I'm not talking about me as a coward if that is what you think.
Neither a prostitute (mintak simpang)

But I'm feeling like I'm a chicken because I need to take so many shots (vaccination) ever since I was born (thanks Malaysian government)

Image kidnapped from Flickr
Shots are good, no doubt about that. Otherwise, my immune system would fail me.
But when I was a baby I got shots.
In elementary, I got shots.
In high school I got shots.
To work at Pizza Hut, I got shot.
And to be a doctor, i got 3 extra shots.
Even a chicken doesn't get that much shot in its life *sigh*

Anyway, I just want to tell you.
That to be a doctor, we need to take Hepatitis B shots.
3 shots Within a year.
So that we can practise without giving our patient extra helping to their immune system.
After a month of your first shot, you need to take your second shot and 6 months after that, is your final shot.

I did my first shot in Malaysia.
I got the shot at my waist.
The doctor told me it hurts less.
And he was right.

Too bad, I delayed my second shot.
So I start over again (look, that make 4 extra shots for me instead of 3,oh my!)
I paid 720 Kc (26 EURO or RM144)
For a morsel of alcohol
A shot and a tiny plaster
Just one complain here-could you rub more alcohol please?coz I can feel the needle in my vein.

Pengajaran di sini : for those kt Malaysia, be grateful, coz kita kena rub dgn alkohol yg byk,even misi 2 tonyoh-tonyoh,asalkan time kena injek tak sakit sgt.


  1. omg..expensivenyer...
    buat kt malaysia one shot less than rm50..haha
    ok..selamat menjadi chicken!hahah~

  2. kak koin kena injek semua kt Malaysia kah?
    sy buat 3rd shot kt Malaysia!
