Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Miscellaneous - Final Examination

aculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague.
Final examination is done ORALLY.

Image from here
When u get the credit for the subject, then u can take the final.
You need to book the date through the faculty website
When, the booking is open, a race begins.
Everyone will fight virtually for their preferred date and examiner
However, if u wish to cancel your booking u can do that before 12 midnight before the booked date. (surat menyurat tidak akn dilayan - zmn dah maju, manusia dah berubah, internet pulak laju)

The questions is known.
Like for anatomy there are about hundred something questions.
The possibility you will get that question is 1 out of hundred something.
Formal attire for the final
No sneakers nor jean.
So, I get to be Malaysia promoter by wearing my so striking baju kurung
And suffer from the aching cold winter wind by wearing that boring loafer

So, since it's oral
You'll describe what u know about the question to your examiner like what he or she did 2 u in the lectures.
He/she will either interrupt your explaination with questions or just listening and asking questions after u finish
The evaluation is very subjective, so be prepared mentally
There are so many factors that contribute to your performence in the final oral
They are chances, fate, expectations, luck.
U can get out of the examination room smiling and feeling light
Or out with sour face and holding back tears because u failed because u just didn't know his last question
I say effort is the core but anything may come out.
That is called the reality.

U can read ceiling high notes, passed all your microtests with excellent mark
But u must bear in mind that there's still possibility to fail
And some people can give up halfway, and hold up white flag and gamble
But at last they win the gamble, and pass

It comes to the conclusion that life isn't always to be on top, isn't always about passing. Life is to feel the bitter failure and rise up from it.


  1. i damn hate examinntion
    yet it still want to come

  2. i like examination because it makes me study
